Chapter 20

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{Grian's POV}

I woke up to a text from Scar. It read, 'Hey Gri, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today. It wouldn't be anything special, I'd just want to go about my day with you by my side. You can say no if you don't want to.' I couldn't believe it, he wanted to spend time with me during his day to day life. This was like a dream come true to me, this is something I've wanted for a while. So I immediately texted him back,

'Of course I'd want to! When and where should I meet you though?'

Excitement burst through my body like a lightening bolt and I sat in front of my communicator waiting for his next message. It didn't take that long for him to tell me I could go to his house between now and 12. I decided to start getting ready immediately so I could be there as soon as possible. I changed, but kept his sweater in case he wanted it back. Soon enough I was ready to go there. The shopping district didn't seem so scary now that I'd passed through it before. I knocked on Scar's door softly and he instantly opened it.

"Grian! Hi!" He wrapped his arms around me in a hug then pulled away quickly. "Sorry, I'm just in a good mood, come in!" I giggled at the act of welcome and came in as he told me. "It's okay, I don't mind." I saw relief wash over him. "That's great because I might do that again. Many times." I blushed slightly at the thought of Scar hugging me as a way of saying hello. I wouldn't mind that either. I made my way to his couch since I wasn't sure what else to do. He smiled as he looked me up and down.

"You still have my hoodie." He remarked happily. I looked down and suddenly remembered I had worn his sweater. The slight blush on my face deepened and I felt disappointment as I said, "Oh, right. Do you want it back?" and began to take it off. "No no no! You can keep it, you look really good in it." He paired those words with a lovely smile that filled my heart with love, and my cheeks with red. "Really?" I said softly. "Of course!" He responded cheerfully. My mind raced back to him saying I looked really good in it. Scar just said I looked good, am I dreaming?!

"Well, I honestly wasn't expecting you to arrive this quick so I still have a bit to do appearance wise before I'm ready to go outside. I hope you don't mind waiting a little bit." I shook my head and he trotted off with a cute smile. I took this time to explore his living room a bit. Last time I was here I only really saw his bedroom and his kitchen, which were significantly less messy than this room. There were a lot of books scattered around everywhere along with a bunch of stray papers. Most of them were quick sketches of landscapes, yet they were a million times better than what I could do. It gave the whole place a very homey feel which I enjoyed quite a lot.

I found myself staring at some of his sketches on the coffee table when Scar walked back in. His expression immediately changed from joyful to panicked when he saw me. "Aaah, don't look at those! Gosh that's so embarrassing, they look awful." He hid his face with one of his hands and looked away in an uncomfortable manner. My eyes widened, "Are you kidding?! These are amazing! I could never make something remotely close to this." He huffed a little, "You're just saying that to make me feel better." I was a little offended that he'd think I would do something like that.

"Scar, we said no more lies. I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. I'm honestly quite surprised you can't see how beautiful these are." I said as I got up, walked close to him, and brought the hand he was covering his face with down so he could see me. I held it in mine and we peacefully stared into each other's eyes for a minute or two before he pulled it away.

"We should probably get going now, what do you wanna do first?" I tilted my head and gave him a puzzled look. "Oh, I forgot to tell you the things I had to do, didn't I?" I nodded and he face palmed shyly. I giggled a little and then he started listing off his chores for the day. We agreed on picking up the profits from Cherry first and the walk to the shop was rather quiet. A couple of compliments to the land around us were thrown in here and there, but nothing significant.

Soon enough we were at the shop and a few of the hermits visited to come and talk to me. I was quickly swarmed with questions and it was slightly overwhelming, but overall helped me a lot. Scar and I spent much more time than anticipated at Cherry since hermits flooded in wanting to hear my story. Every time I told it, it made me quite emotional, but it helped me come to terms with the fact that Mumbo is really gone and there's nothing I can do about it. The only thing I can do now is move forward and forgive the past without forgetting it.

Most of the people I talked to asked the same questions or similar questions, except for Cub. After I finished answering all the questions I was used to by now, he looked at me mischievously and asked me one more. "So, do you have your eye on anyone new now?" My face flushed red and my eyes darted over to Scar to see if he could hear us. He was concentrated on whatever he was doing in the other corner of the room, and I couldn't blame him since I basically sounded like a broken record. I assumed he didn't catch what Cub said though and I was relieved by that. I looked back at Cub, visibly flustered.

"W-what kind of a question is that?!" I stuttered and spoke higher pitched than usual. He giggled, "Don't worry, I won't tell him." He winked at me playfully and I hid my face in my hands embarrassingly. Was it really that obvious? Cub gave a quick goodbye to Scar before he skidded away with an accomplished smile on his lips. "Are you ready to go, Gri?" He asked as he looked up at me sweetly. "Yep!" I answered joyfully as I stepped away form the counter I was previously standing behind. "What's next?" I asked when he got up from his seat.

"You'll see." I followed him out of the shop and he brought me to, you guessed it, another shop. I laughed at myself for forgetting he had another shop. He collected the profits from there and soon enough we were back to his house to drop off the money. The rest of his chores were quite plain so we simply talked about nothing and everything as he completed them. It was lovely to just space out, talk to Scar, and not worry about a thing that was happening in the real world. We were just hanging out with each other without caring about everything else.

He'd kept all his landscaping and terraforming chores for last and I was just speechless and how gorgeous he made things look. He glided around and placed blocks in the perfect place with such ease that it made me feel like I was watching a dance show. I wasn't easily fascinated, but this, this really amazed me. Not just the lovely job he did, but Scar himself amazes me. There isn't a single thing about him that doesn't mesmerize me, every part of him makes me love him more. Scar caught me staring at him instead of what he was building and I immediately looked away.

He must think I'm such a creep, this isn't the first time he sees me staring at him. As I redirected my attention to what he was doing, I realized he wasn't doing it anymore and that he was approaching me instead. "Well, that was the last thing on my list!" He said in a joyful manner. I, on the other hand, felt disappointed. "Well, I'll see you later I guess." My gaze lowered to the ground and I was about to walk away when he held me back. "Wait! I thought we could hang out a little more at my place until I go to bed." He looked at me with a sweet smile, before it changed to a sad frown. "Unless you don't want to, of course."

"No no, I'd love to." I gave him a warm smile and his whole face lit up. "Great, let's go!" He took my hand and we trotted over to his house where we talked and played random card games until the sun began to set. Spending the whole day with him made me so happy and filled me with laughter and good memories for me to remember in the future. "Well I think I should be heading to bed now, I might not be able to wake up for 1am otherwise." He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh back at the contagious sound. "This was really fun though, I hope we can do this again sometime." He gave me a sweet smile and I almost melted, "I hope so too. Good night, Scar." I said as I got up from my seat at his dining table.

"Sweet dreams, Gri." With that said, I headed out of his house and towards mine. I arrived shortly seeing as I'd basically jogged back home. I brushed my teeth, changed into some pajamas, and went straight to bed. I set my alarm for 23:30 so I'd have an hour and a half to set up the picnic area and to find the perfect outfit for the occasion. I wanted something fancy, but not too fancy. I wanted to look presentable, but not like I was going to get married. I thought back to my wardrobe, yeah I probably have the right tie for that. And with that in mind I drifted off to peaceful sleep.



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Sorry if you got the notification of me posting this chapter twice, I accidentally published it like halfway through- it was a very scary moment ha- anyways, hoped you enjoyed reading, bbai lovelies! <3

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