1 Year Special

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So, a year ago I sat my little booty down somewhere and was like... I'm gonna write fanfiction! Despite me having only ever watched Double Life and then 3rd Life. That's right folks, I watched Double Life first. It was the first one I stumbled upon so I had no clue there was another one. Or two. Anyways, I'm going off track now. I honestly never expected it to get this big, I thought it was just gonna be some small thing I could laugh at once I knew more about Hermitcraft. While writing Secrets, Struggles, & Soulmates I still had never heard the voice of Cub once, only saw him in some scarian fanfics and worked out that he had some sort of connection with Scar so I included him. That was mostly my reasoning while writing this, so I'm sure you can understand why I thought that.

It's gotten big though. Really big. I'm glad it's gotten big and so many of you enjoyed it, but I look back at this book mostly with shame. Some scenes I find really good but the overall plot and story I don't like at all. If this book was small I wouldn't have minded, but it's not small and I know that it's not the best I can do, not the best I can give you guys. So, I've decided the for SSS's started one year ago special anniversary thingie, I'm announcing a rewrite. 

It'll follow the same idea with the same general flow(not sure how to word what I'm thinking) of the original, but I'll make sure to tie up loose ends and answer questions by the storytelling itself instead of through the comments. What I'm trying to say is that it'll be expanded upon to make it better, so expect at least a few more than 27 chapters. 

I'm not sure exactly when I'll start writing and publishing it, but I've had this in my mind for a while now and I thought that now was the perfect time to announce it and maybe, just maybe, start writing it.

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