Chapter 6

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{Grian's POV}

I was dreaming of Scar while I slept on my light grey couch. I'd been in and out all day, more out than in. When I slept, I slept well. It was a drastic change from my previous nights. I usually had dreams where me and Scar traveled the world together. I heard the faint sound of a knock on my door but was too sleepy to pay any attention to it. I heard it again, louder this time, but I was still sleeping and I was dreaming so I assumed that's where it came from. I heard it a third time, this time it was louder than the two other times combined. I mumbled a 'go away' while I readjusted my position on the sofa for optimal comfort.

It was only when I felt intense panic and fear that I jumped to my feet instantly. I rushed to the door immediately without a care in the world, I knew exactly what was happening. I definitely wasn't expecting what I saw when I opened the door though. Scar, the almost always cheerful and lively boy I knew, had completely broken down. Tears were pouring down his magnificent green eyes endlessly. When he lifted his head and saw me he tossed something to the side and bear hugged me. I had to pull away from him sooner than I wanted to because it was almost impossible for me to take a breath.

"Scar what's wrong? You hugged me so tight I could barely breathe." I stated, worry spreading all over my face. "I- you- I.. I-" He cried even more, completely unable to collect himself. "Shhh.. It's okay Scar." I spoke softly, closing the door behind him. I pulled him into my caring embrace and he cried into my shoulder. Soon his breaths were cut short and I quickly realized what was happening, he was about to have a panic attack. He did the best he could to try and regulate his breathing, attempting to take deep breaths in and out. I wasn't sure what to do but I assumed the best thing I could do was soothe him. He fell to his knees and his arms relocated, wrapping around my chest instead of my neck. I took off his hat with one of my hands and started petting his silky brown hair with it. I then moved it down to pat his back while my chin took its place. I heard his breath shift back to normal and felt his tears come to an end.

As we stood there motionless in comfortable silence I realized something I'd never even thought of before. Scar was the only person I've ever trusted with everything, my life included. I wanted to be with him every single second of the day, and even of the night. I wanted to spend every moment of my life with him. I needed him and that's when it all clicked. The strange feeling I felt towards the majestic brunette was identified. It was love. I'm in love with Scar and there's no denying it. He's beautiful, smart, funny, adorable, and chaotic. He's all I could ever want and so much more. He's everything I stand for.

Love works in such mysterious ways. I always thought I wouldn't be able to fall in love with anyone after Mumbo, my feelings for him grew stronger for years and years. But here I was now, utterly enamoured with Scar. My feelings for him were a hundred times deeper than the ones I had for the black haired boy and I'd barely spent any time with him. I couldn't tell him, or anyone, about the way I felt though. At least not yet. The ones I love are in danger even if they don't love me back.

{Grian's Flashback}

I was walking around the city like any other day when I saw two people on the edge of a cliff. I paid no attention to it, assuming they were just hanging out. That was until one of them seemed to scream at the other. I started making my way over to see if there was anything I could do to potentially calm the situation. As I came closer I could hear the voices of the two individuals. "-oser to Grian?" Upon hearing my name I froze. Were they talking about me? I spotted a nearby tree that was big enough to hide my thin frame from the duo on the cliff. A little eavesdropping never hurt anybody, I thought as I made my way to the huge oak, who was also closer than I was. "I- I don't know okay! It just will!! This will work!" The shortest one yelled flusteredly. "No, it won't. I'm not leaving Grian, he's my best friend." The tallest one shook his head, revealing his moustache. It was Mumbo Jumbo. "But he'll just keep loving you if you're here, he'll never notice me! You need to go!" The other one, who I still could not identify, was completely losing it. "He'll move on eventually, he'll find someone else, just give him time." Mumbo tried to calm down the other person, but they got even more heated. "No, you don't understand, I want him and I want him now! I've been here waiting the whole time, if I wait any longer he'll find someone who isn't me!!" The person started crying. "Maybe that's for the better." The black haired boy replied quietly, I barely heard what he said. It got the shorter one enraged, they yelled louder than ever before, "YOU NEED TO LEAVE FOR GOOD!!!!" I flinched, my ears hurting from the intense yelling. Before I could even do anything, my brown eyed friend had been shoved. It wasn't much, but it destabilized him, he lost his footing and fell off the edge. He let out a heartbreaking scream as he fell to his death. The other had bent down quickly, trying to save Mumbo, but they were too late. Tears poured out of their eyes as they stood up and turned around. Their eyes were flooded with guilt, shock, and regret. That's when I saw their face and it was- OH MY GOD!

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