Chapter 18

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Now we're back at the end of chapter 16 :) (12)

{Scar's POV}

After Grian ate and drank I convinced him to go back to bed because he needed the rest. It was true, sleep is one of the best ways to heal, and he'd been messed up pretty good. By himself. Because he refused to take care of himself.

I also needed him to go back to bed so I could be left alone with my thoughts. FRIENDS??? Why on earth did I say that?! Why friends? Ugh.. I'm such a coward. I wanted to tell him I loved him but instead I told him, 'it's what friends do.' Oh why oh why did I say that!? Now he's going to think that I think of him as nothing more than a friend and I won't even get a chance to be with him. I'm such an idiot.

I walked into my room and saw Grian sleeping so peacefully in my bed. The thoughts of how beautiful he was invaded my head and I was just staring at him fondly. It was near 9:30 but I hadn't slept for at least 48 hours so I was extremely tired. I grabbed some more comfortable clothes and changed in my bathroom before crawling into my bed. I laid next to Grian and that was all the comfort I needed, I closed my eyes and sleep immediately took over.

I woke up cuddling with Grian. He was already awake and his piercing blue eyes looked right at mine. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He said playfully as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Morning, gorgeous." He smiled and an adorable blush crept onto his face. His face which was so close to mine, and inching closer every second. My eyes darted down to his lips, I wanted to kiss him so bad. I looked back up to his beautiful eyes,

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered as my gaze lowered to his lips once more in a pleading, almost desperate manner. "Yes." He whispered back and my lips shivered as they were so close to his I could feel his breath. Now that I had permission, I brought my lips even closer, closing the distance between us. It was an average length kiss, yet it felt like so much more. The feeling of his soft lips collided with mine was pure bliss, it was what I've been begging to do for so long now.

When we pulled away his eyes were glowing brighter than the sun. I smiled at the adorable boy in front of me. "I love you, Grian." I whispered lovingly to him. He looked into my eyes longingly, "I-"

I woke up due to Grian flicking my forehead. "Nooooooo! My dream!" I screamed as I quickly curled into a ball and shoved my face in my hands. I was embarrassed that it was a dream in the first place, but I couldn't even finish it. "Why did you wake me up?! I was having such a great time!" I whined loudly, to which he giggled. "I know, you talk in your sleep." At this point I was so embarrassed that I rolled off the bed. I was also slightly worried that he heard me say I love him in my dreams.

"Could you hear what I was saying?" I asked with a slight stutter, and a pang of panic too. "No, it was too mumbled for me to understand." A huge wave of relief washed over me. Why was I even dreaming of him? I've never had a dream specifically be about him before. "What was the dream about?" Panic filled my body once more, "I uh.. You know... was in.. a forest... with 100 cats!" I stammered. The look on his face was all I needed to know that he didn't believe me. Screw you horrible lying skills. "And did I happen to be one of those cats? Because I heard you say my name loud and clear." He remarked smugly.

My eyes darted around the room to find a logical answer. There were none that I can think of so, "Yeah, you were a.. ginger cat!" I smiled innocently, hoping he'd just let it go. "Whatever you say, Scar." He shook his head playfully with a small chuckle.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked as I got up from the floor. Grian shrugged and yawned. I looked at my communicator and a lot more time had passed than I originally thought. It was 14:09. I didn't want Grian to go home yet so my mind rushed to find activities we could do together until he got bored of me. "Do you want to do something outside or inside?" He looked at me and a small smile formed on his lips.

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