♡ opening authors note ♡

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welcome to 𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔡.

♥*♡∞:。.。 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 。.。:∞♡*♥

𝐈. my introduction

𝐈𝐈. trigger warnings

𝐈𝐈𝐈. what i will write

𝐈𝐯. quick disclaimer

𝐯. playlist

𝐈. my introduction


if you don't know, i'm kit, hey! my name isn't micheal lmao, my username was a joke about micheal jackson's lil "he hee" thing (you know what i mean).

though, if you do happen to call me micheal i don't mind as i understand the user can be a little confusing.

i go by she/ her pronouns. if you happen to slip up in the comments or whatever, don't stress it, it doesn't really bother me.

this is a safe space, if you want to vent or talk about something in the comments you can do so. just please be careful not to give out personal information (i can't save you from creepy strangers) and please never give out your age on the internet D:< especially if you are a minor.

most importantly, if you're going be here u better be flippin' nice :knife: not particularly to me but to any other readers too. if you're going to be a lil' bitch i will not hesitate to mute you :p

oh and also my tiktok is @ karl.wasnotfound. you should totally go follow me over there because i'm so cool.

𝐈𝐈. trigger warnings

i will not be putting trigger/content warnings at the start of each chapter. i will list all of the trigger warnings below now- keep in mind that reading the trigger warnings may give away spoilers for what will happen in the book so if you are someone who does not necessarily need them then feel free to just quickly scroll past.

i take particular care in checking all the appropriate trigger and content warnings are present so if you read and find i have not included a warning that you believe is necessary, please say. yell at me in the comments and i promise i will fix it as soon as i see it.

(some of the following are only briefly mentioned)

trigger + content warnings include:

⤷ swearing

⤷ eating disorder- bulimia

⤷ street shooting, death (does not happen within the book, it's a prior incident that gets spoken about briefly.)

⤷ nsfw, lime, talk about sex stuff

⤷ fist fight, blood, minor injury

⤷ alcohol/ underage drinking + drug use

also, i just wanted to say it here, you're not alone. if you need someone to vent to or just someone to generally have a talk with then my dm's are open.

𝐈𝐈𝐈. what i will write

this story is mainly angst and fluff but there will be some subtle nsfw and lime.

𝐈𝐯. quick disclaimers

karlnap's relationship in this book is platonic, the tag's there in reference to how they get closer as friends <3 though, if you are here strictly for karlnap then i do have other books where they're shipped romantically- 'their apartments', 'under one roof' and 'driving home under the influence' are the main karlnap ones!

lower case is intended.

i am bri-ish, so when i am writing in the pov of someone who is not (i.e an american), the words/ phrases i use may not be correct- if this is the case please point it out and let me know so i can re-phrase it in a way that fits more to the character.

also if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes pleeeeeeaseeee tell me!

𝐯. playlist

hi, yeah, i have a spotify and it has playlists for every book with like related songs or similar vibes and stuff so here is that.


or, if you don't like links, i'm michealhehee on spotify too!

also, since you made it here, you may as well give me other books a try after? okay cool.

i think that's everything

so, with all of that being said, i hope you enjoy :D

i love you


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