maple bacon and trauma

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

sapnap spent the whole of sunday sulking.

thought, perhaps 'sulking' isn't the right term. because it wasn't like he was moping around without reasoning.

come monday, dream didn't even text him to say he doesn't need a lift. rather, it's karl who messages- 'ugly has left, u wanna come round for brekky before q gets here?'

sapnap doesn't bother replying, opting instead to take his bag and just let himself in. he hadn't knocked on karl's door for over ten years, it would be strange if he started now.

when he walks into the kitchen, karl greets him with a welcoming smile and two pieces of maple bacon. "eat up," the brunette chirps before sitting down opposite him with his own plate.

"this smells nice," sapnap compliments, not bothering with cutlery as he takes the food in his fingers.

"thanks," karl smiles, cutting his own up into small pieces, "i found the recipe on pinterest and wanted to try it."

"you go on pinterest?" sapnap asked through a mouthful, raising an eyebrow at the brunette.

"uh, yeah," he replied, "who doesn't?" sapnap hums with a shrug, letting the conversation fall silent as the pair eat.

after a few minutes, the familiar sound of quackity's car horn beeps outside and the two rush to finish their breakfast. karl puts the remaining six pieces into a plastic container before they pair head out to the car. he gives two of the rashers to quackity before he starts driving.

again, sapnap can't help but notice that punz isn't there. in fact, he realises that punz hasn't joined them for any of the car journeys since sapnap started getting a ride.

silently, he considers the fact that maybe punz hasn't joined them because sapnap was there. it's sad to think, and he tries to push away the nagging thought, but he can't fight where it settles in the back of his mind.

when they do arrive at school, punz is already there, sitting by their tree with a wide grin.

sapnap stays silent, observing the group's interactions for any signs to suggest he isn't wanted there. he felt like he was, but he couldn't help but worry.

karl gives punz the box with the remaining four pieces of bacon. he eats two and leaves the others in the box, sliding it into his bag.

comfortable conversation falls over them, and they all seem to be involving sapnap- surely they wouldn't involve him if they didn't want him there. though, he had sort of wormed his way into their friendship group. maybe they just feel bad?

the bell rings, and they split off for homeroom. quackity sits beside him for the whole duration, and that helps to subtly quieten the voice tugging at sapnap's thoughts. at least quackity likes him.

lunchtime rolls around, and sapnap starts walking towards the backfield again before remembering and turning back to the front of the school.

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