meeting the family

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

sapnap was embarrassed to find himself checking out the window, just to have his gem of hope destroyed. of course dream's car was already gone.

the ravenette wasn't sure why he kept trying to convince himself that dream wouldn't really let their friendship suffer from this. he tried to tell himself that dream just needs time, but as the days dripped past it felt less likely that the blond was ever coming back.

to accompany that painful realisation, sapnap had also noticed that karl hadn't messaged that morning to offer him a lift, so they'd probably had enough of him too.

he didn't mind having to drive himself to school, but he was disappointed they'd got bored so quickly after hanging out with him.

sapnap is moments away from picking up his car keys when he gets a phone call. assuming it's from his mum, he answers without checking the id. "hello?"

"sapnap!" quackity practically shouted down the phone, "hurry the fuck up, we need to goooo!"

sapnap pulls back his curtains, squinting slightly over to where quackity's car was still pulled up outside, "i didn't know you were waiting for me," he said honestly, the tense position of his shoulders deflating out like a balloon.

"didn't you hear me beeping?" quackity asked, accompanied by another press of his car horn for emphasis- though it was more audible through the call.

"well. yeah," he admitted, picking up his school bag, "but i didn't realise you were taking me in again because no one messaged or anything."

clearly he'd been on speaker, as karl spoke next, "oh, i'm sorry sap, i thought you would've just assumed you were joining us so i didn't mention it. that's my fault."

sapnap shakes his head even though they can't see him, before stepping out the door and locking it behind him, "don't apologise, it's fine, i just didn't realise," he assures. he ends the call as he climbs into the backseat, smiling awkwardly as quackity turns to face him.

"just assume i'm always taking you in," the ravenette smiled, "i will message you if the plan changes."

"okay, got it," sapnap nods, "thanks a bunch." quackity grins in response before turning back to start up the car. "i swear you used to drive punz to school too?"

"he started walking again because we used to drive his brother too," karl explains, shifting to look back at the younger boy, "and he didn't want you to be overwhelmed or think it was weird or anything."

the conversation steers of somewhere else after that, but sapnap's mind stays wordlessly settled on the topic of punz.

homeroom passes, and sapnap and quackity make their way to the changing rooms for double sport. the shorter boy breaks off to go to the toilet, leaving sapnap to navigate his way to a locker on his own.

like routine, sapnap makes his way towards his normal spot, stopping at the end of the busy area when he notices his usual locker had been occupied by a familiar brit. george is sat where he usually would be, giggling down at dream who was knelt down, tying up the brunette's shoe laces. ouch.

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