first hit

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

sapnap wakes up to a body rolling onto his, pushing a breathless huff out of him. he is still half-asleep, in some other-realmed daze, but he can vaguely make out the sound of voices as he slowly comes to.

from the door, he hears dream speaking, "are you two coming down for dinner?" he asks.

he hears karl responding quietly, voice no higher than a whisper, "no thanks, q is sleeping." he shushes the blond. it's then that sapnap notices the raven tufts of hair falling over his face from the person on top of him.

"oh shit, sorry," dream apologises, voice suddenly hushed, "i'll leave you guys to it."

the door shuts, and the weight of a body flops off of sapnap. he blinks his eyes open as quackity sits up, the shorter boy looking down with a guilty smile, "sorry, did i wake you up?"

karl turned swiftly, facing where sapnap now lay awake, quackity sat beside him looking apologetic. "what the fuck quackity," he laughed light-heartedly, "why didn't you just put the blanket over him?"

"because you would've been able to see his body under the blanket, duh," he answered, rolling his eyes.

"he would've just assumed it was punz," karl pointed out.

"oh yeah... that's probably true," quackity reluctantly agreed.

"it's fine," sapnap dismissed, sitting up and groaning as his back clicked. "i'm sorry for falling asleep in the first place," he apologised, scratching the back of his neck.

"it's fine, we all had a nap," karl said, smiling reassuringly, "we only woke up cause dream knocked on the door, so it's nothing to worry your little cotton socks over." sapnap couldn't help but smile at how effortlessly comforting karl was. "do you wanna head over to yours now?"

sapnap nodded, stretching out his tense joints as he climbed out the bed, quackity following close behind. they left quietly as to avoid dream, and on the way past the blonde's room sapnap could hear him talking and giggling away- there were no responses, which meant he was probably on a call.

the trio remained silent until they were out of the house, making their way across the in-between neighbour's garden. "it's cool that you guys live so close," quackity observed, looking back at karl's house, "you can hang out so easily."

"well it isn't like you're exactly far away," karl pointed out, "driving to your house takes like, no time at all."

"yeah but it's still not the same as being just one house away," he shrugs, following the others up the stairs towards the door.

"i get what you mean," sapnap nods, pulling his key out of his pocket, "it's a blessing and a curse though, it means you can't ever pretend to be busy when you're actually free."

"why would you want to pretend to be busy?" karl asked as sapnap pushed the door open. the ravenette considered the question for a moment- he wasn't sure why. he wasn't particularly a homebody or anything, but there had been more than one occasion where he'd been unable to get out of a meet-up with dream that he hadn't wanted to attend. he just shrugs.

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