we need to talk

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

when sapnap wakes up, his heart feels heavy. you know when you start to feel bad before getting really sick? it's like that- he isn't sure why.

he goes downstairs to see his mom leaning against the counter, glaring at her phone. "are you alright?" he asks, smiling comfortingly.

holly sighs, "yeah, i'm okay," she assures. "i'm just slumpy because i've been asked to do a nightshift today, which means i could've slept in later but i didn't," she explains.

"awe, i'm sorry," sapnap apologises genuinely, pouting, "that sucks."

"no, it's not so bad," holly dismisses, "it means i've got time the do some housework." he nods. "oh, i got those out for you and dream," she says, gesturing to the pair of cereal bars on the counter, "how is he?"

"he's good," the ravenette smiles softly, taking the breakfast, "him and his family went out for dinner yesterday and he was wearing the belt you got him."

holly's face lights up in a grin. "i love the way you smile when you talk about him," she compliments, "you're so cute together." sapnap can feel the heat pooling in his cheeks.

"thanks," he says, voice weak as he fails to hide his bashfulness, "i should probably head out."

"yes, of course," she waves, "have a good day hunny."

"thanks, you too," he chirps as he makes his way outside, getting into his car and sending dream a quick text saying, 'ready when u r <3'

only a few short moments pass before he replies.


sapnap looks up when he sees dream stepping out of his house, smiling at the blond, he smiles back. when he gets in the car, sapnap leans over for a quick kiss but it lasts for a second as dream moves back, looking surprised. and sapnap is sure he sees the younger boys nose scrunch.

sapnap squints at the blond, who is almost backed up against the door. "you okay?" he asks suspiciously.

"yeah, yeah i'm fine," he nods, "i just didn't expect it."

sapnap furrows his eyebrows, "we normally always have a kiss in the morning..." he doesn't mean to trail off at the end, but he's undeniably embarrassed.

"i know, i was just-" dream fidgets awkwardly, "i don't know."

sapnap doesn't dwell on it, shaking off the conversation. "this is from my mom," he says, handing dream the cereal bar.

"oh. thanks."

they drive to george's in silence, not even the quiet hum of music filling the space. sapnap pulls up and a few moments pass before dream speaks, "can i come round your's tonight?"

sapnap looks at him with wide eyes, the request being unexpected, "yeah, of course, what do you wanna do?"

dream avoids his eye contact, eyes fixed looking straight past him towards the brit's house as he bites his lip. "we need to talk."

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