bunny cancel culture

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

"are you going to stay for dinner?" sapnap asks as he pushes off his shoes, "because if you are then i'll put something on."

"can we just talk first?" dream requests quietly, and sapnap tries not to worry over just how hard the blond is biting his lip.

sapnap smiles comfortingly, "yeah, of course we can, you wanna go upstairs?" dream nods wordlessly, and the pair fall silent as they make their way up to the ravenette's room. sapnap drops down to sit on the edge of his bed and dream stays stood a few feet away. "so, what's up?"

"sapnap, i'm just going to say it, okay?" dream starts, and his eyes look cold.

the ravenette feels his stomach eating at itself as he slowly nods, "yeah, of course, go ahead," he says reassuringly.

dream closes his eyes, like he can't bear to see sapnap's face, "i'm breaking up with you."

there it was.

sapnap's heart drops as he processes the words. i'm. breaking. up. with. you. his fists curl around the blanket he's sat on, and he knows his knuckles are turning white from the pressure. he took a breathe. he wasn't going to cry. he wouldn't let himself.

but he didn't want to lose him. the late night conversations, the soft kisses and the cuddles when it rained. he wasn't ready to lose the boy that stole his bagels every morning and spent hours on making them a playlist. dream was the one person that could make him laugh like nobody else, who made him smile and actually mean it, who made his heart churn just by flashing him a playful smirk. he loves him.

he wouldn't cry. sapnap bit his tongue so hard he could taste copper, but the pain doesn't process as tried to calculate a response. he thought and thought and it felt like a year passed in the second it took him to say, "oh."

dream sighed. "oh? is that it?"

how is he supposed to walk the line between seeming like he doesn't care and seeming like he's trying to gaslight dream into staying?

he wants to die. or, not die, but stop living in this moment.

sapnap can't handle saying anything other than the one thing burning his mind, branded into his thoughts, "is this about george?"

dream has the audacity to look sad, guilty. "sapnap, i'm sorry," he apologises, and sapnap doesn't even know if it's sincere. he's always understood dream's tone, his posture, the way he carries himself, how he talks, everything- so why can't he tell if the blond means what he is saying? "it's not you sap, i think we just rushed into things and we were always just meant to be friends, you know?"

no, sapnap wants to say. no i don't know. no i don't agree. no. no. no. "yeah."

"come on sap, you've got to give me something to work with here," dreams speaks, exasperatedly. his eyes are dull- the same lifeless expression he wore when his mum came home weeks after she'd promised. he looked done.

but what does he expect sapnap to say? what did he anticipate was going to come from this?

there's a voice, in his head, and he's been ignoring it for week but it's loud, it's so loud.

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