peak of panic

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

sapnap shuts the hutch, saying goodbye to his bunnies and picking up the food bag before making his way back inside. he left the rabbit food on the lounge coffee table. clearly, he'd lost track of time, because he opens his phone to see he'd missed a snapchat from punz over ten minutes ago.

he opens it to see a photo of tommy, smiling proudly as he holds up a sheet of paper with a brown-haired stickman in the middle, surrounded by various coloured butterflies and a large sun in the top corner. the words across the centre read, 'he says its you :]'

sapnap smiles widely, tapping off and swiping into their chat. he saves the snap into the chat before typing and sending, 'that's fucking adorable, can i have it?'

punz opens the message immediately, a few short moments pass before he receives another snap. it's a photo of the drawing, now pinned up on the fridge, and it reads, 'no.'

sapnap pouts, even though the blond can't see. he saves that photo into their chat too, looking at it again and noticing a brown paper bag leaning against the toaster. he messages, 'i recognise that bag'

punz replies with a zoomed-in photo of the bag in question, 'its brownies from the cafe'

'lovely :)'

sapnap closes off his phone, making his way upstairs. it buzzes in his palm, but he ignores it for a moment until he's flopped onto the bed. he used his face id to unlock it, automatically opening up to his and punz's snapchats. 'did you like the cafe??'

'yeah' sapnap replies, followed by an 'it was great', when he realises he'd been a bit blunt.

'it was nice spending time as a pair for like... the first time ever lmao'

sapnap can't help but smile, 'it was :]'

'wyd rn??'

sapnap opens the camera, holding it up and snapping a photo of him in bed, tying out a quick 'nothing hbu?' before sending it.

sapnap sits on their chat, watching the blond type then stop-typing a few times before eventually replying with, 'nothing, u wanna do something just us again?'

'sure' sapnap replies easily, 'cafe again?'

the ravenette swipes off of their chat while punz types to open the group chat messages, which only consist of stupid selfies from karl and quackity. he laughs at a particular photo of quackity hanging backwards off of his couch, bad looking frustrated beside him. he screenshots it before opening the camera, tapping along to a shrek filter and sending it to the group. he notices punz had replied, opening the message and-

'i was thinking we go to the movies'

sapnap's heart stops beating for a moment as he rereads the message. he can't help but think the movie theatre feels a lot less like friends just hanging out than the café does. still, he pushes back the thought, as well as the fluttery feeling, and replies, 'sure, u want me to pick u up?'

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