smiles and panda pizzas

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

another normal school day, following routine, everything passing expectably like how it is supposed to.

until last period.

sapnap sits down in the back corner of the room, like always, he gets out his books, like always, he leans back in his chair and watches as the room fills out, like always, he smiles at quackity when he walks in, like always, quackity walks over and sits beside him, like-

"what're you doing?" sapnap asked as the shorter boy settled down, offering a confused smile.

"what?" quackity laughed, pushing his bag under the table between them, "would you rather sit by yourself?" he asks, a playful taunt.

"no, i just-" sapnap watches, surprised, as quackity gets out the stuff for the lesson- though he didn't have half the stuff he actually needed. "you've never sat there before, i was just confused." he admitted.

"yeah well, it's always nice to have a change," the ravenette smiled, rocking back on his chair, "how's your day been?"

they fall into an unexpectedly easy conversation, which mainly focuses on school work and karl, but it still felt natural. in fact, the only strange feeling part about his interaction with quackity was splitting off to go to different cars when the school day ended.

"hey," dream greets as he and george get into the car. sapnap briefly raises his hand in response before starting the car.

"are you coming round tonight?" dream asked, still in the process of pulling his seat belt on as he looked over to the ravenette.

"i can't tonight," sapnap pouted, looking up at the front mirror as he pulled out and flashing the brunette in the back a quick smile as their eyes met. "i've got to do stuff at home and i'm cooking dinner with my mom once she's home," he explains.

"awe, okay," dream frowns, shifting back to face the brit in the back, "george?"

"yeah, i'll come," he agrees.

sapnap makes his way up the drive, ignoring the strange goosebumps as he watches dream and george heading into the blonde's house. he pushes the front door open and heads straight for the kitchen- eager to get everything ready for when his mom gets back.

the ravenette prepares some pizza dough, dropping it into a bowl and covering it with saran wrap so he can leave it to rise before needing to cook with it later.

his mom rarely asked him to do much, so he tried to just help around with little things here and there just to make her life a little easy. he cleaned and wiped down all the counters- organising everything so it'd be spotless.

he makes his way upstairs and, against his own wishes, cleans the main bathroom. it's not like it's dirty or anything, it's just so much effort. but he does it anyway.

that was all he'd planned on doing, but figured he would quickly change his bedsheets while he was on a roll. he'd bought the bunnies up to his room quite a lot recently and figured that was probably more than a little unhygienic. however, in the process, he decided he wanted to spend some time with the rabbits now.

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