the new boy

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

sunday passes like saturday, spending time with dream all day and ending the evening with his bunnies and, like all good things, the weekend came to a quick end.

sapnap sat in his hot car, aircon blasting as he happily munched away at his bagel, scrolling on his phone as he waited for dream. the red icon beside his school email app displayed an alarming one, and sapnap worried as he opened it.

really, it shouldn't bother him- it's not like he messed around in lessons or did anything that would get him in trouble. but that's beside the point.

the last thing sapnap expected was to see an email from the principal sent only to him, and that made his heart rate spike for a moment before actually reading through it. it seemed like it was written pretty last minute- but it basically just said there was a new student and that the principal wanted sapnap to tour him around during homeroom because they had the first period together and something about sapnap's gpa being good. sapnap replied, saying he would and shutting off his phone as the passenger side door opened.

dream clambered into the car, clumsily leaning across the centre console to give his boyfriend a wet kiss on the cheek before sapnap moved to press a proper kiss against the blonde's lips.

"how's your morning going?" dream asked, hand falling to the older boy's knee as the car engine purred to life.

"it's good, there's a new boy today and i've been asked to show him around," sapnap said, frowning in feigned annoyance as dream stole the half-eaten bagel from the centre console.

"that'll be fun," dream replied sarcastically, continuing through a mouthful of bagel, "maybe you'll finally make a friend."

"shut up, i have loads of friends," sapnap retorted, sounding unsure.

"oh yeah? name a few," dream quipped, smirking against the bagel, "not even a few, just name one."

sapnap stayed silent for a moment, driving wordlessly and worrying his lip between his teeth. "shut up." dream wheezed beside him, and sapnap perked up with a proud, "karl's my friend."

"he's only your friend because he has to be," dream laughed, and the words strangely hurt sapnap to hear.

sapnap let the quiet settle over them for the rest of the journey. it was comfortable, obviously, but sapnap couldn't help think over the other's words. dream had probably only meant it to be a joke, right?

sapnap walks awkwardly into the front office, standing at the door like a lost puppy as the receptionist spoke on the phone.


the brunette turned quickly to see the principal, standing tall beside a significantly smaller brunette. "this is george," he introduced, "i'd love to stick around but i have a meeting, are you boys going to be okay?"

sapnap nodded, smiling like you would to authority, "yes sir."

"george?" he urged, raising an eyebrow.

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