numb tugging feeling

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

sapnap felt sluggish as he ate his breakfast.

his mum wasn't home and he had no bother to put on music, so he just sat in a deafening silence while prodding at the soggy excuse of cereal. he tried to convince himself it wasn't that bad. dream still wanted to be friends, it would be all the same as before, except without the touching- he could do that. they still had their routine, platonic or otherwise.

he sighed, discarding his half-eaten cereal by the sink and picking up his phone for the first time that morning. the ravenette is surprised by the two new texts he'd received in the last few minutes.

dream: me and george have gone to school early. wont need a lift

karl: have u gone in early with dre?

sapnap tries not to take note of the sting in his lungs. they probably just needed to to talk to their teacher again, it wasn't a big deal. dream braking up with him was not synonymous to the end of their friendship, and sapnap had to keep reminding himself of that. they are still best friends.

he replies to karl with a no, and the brunette replies almost immediately, offering the ravenette to ride with them. he agrees, figuring it'd be more fun then going alone.

sapnap makes his way outside when he sees karl leaving his house, walking over to the brunette with a smile and a bright, "hey!"

"hi, sap," karl replied, smiling back before getting into the passenger's seat. it felt strange getting into quackity's car, but he figured it really wasn't all that abnormal- he had been getting closer with the younger boy recently.

"hi quackity," he greets as he gets into the backseat.

"morning, bitch," the ravenette responds, flashing sapnap a toothy grin through the front mirror. it was strangely comforting. "how are you feeling?"

"fine," sapnap quickly answered, not wanting to dwell on his feelings, especially not first thing in the morning. "where's punz?" he asked, taking note of the blonde's absence.

"he wanted to walk in," quackity answered, starting up the car.

the aux came on with the engine and, in the politest way possible, sapnap thought quackity's music was nothing short of horrific. though, the driver seemed to think the same, as he giggled along to each song that played as though he didn't genuinely enjoy them either.

they ended up arriving to school later than usual, thanks to quackity taking a longer route (sapnap swears it was just so he could play the shit songs for longer.) and as soon as they pull up, sapnap and quackity are rushing off to homeroom, laughing along at god knows what.

lessons drip by slowly, and sapnap channels his focus so intensely on the work that he isn't able to overthink. he drowns out his thoughts with sums and worksheets and the draining voice of teacher after teacher until he eventually ends up at lunch.

it was uncomfortable, the way sapnap's chest hammered as he walked down the hall.

the ravenette was so unexplainably nervous, as if he would walk up and be shunned away by his two best friends. it was crazy to think like that, so sapnap forced on a smile as he trekked across the field.

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