emotional drunk

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

"it's too hot," sapnap complains, leaning his head back against the bed and stretching his legs along the floor as he gulped down the last of his beer, "i feel like i'm melting."

"you think you're melting?" quackity laughs, "trying having a human laying on you."

"shut up," karl mumbled, voice muffled into quackity's shirt as he nuzzled his head further into his chest. "you're comfy as a pillow."

"i'm not a pillow, you're a lightweight," quackity replies, playfully rolling his eyes.

"am not," karl slurs, and quackity takes the can out of the brunette's hand before he spills it onto the bed as his body goes slack.

"go to sleep karl," quackity whispers comfortingly, stroking his hand along the other's spine. "sleep it off." karl's only response is a tired hum before his whole body relaxes and his breath evens out.

"did he just pass out?" punz asked, sitting up against the side of the bed to look up at the brunette.

"yeah," quackity nodded. sensing the other's worry he added, "not like, passed out, passed out. he just fell asleep. he mentioned not sleeping well last night." karl had told sapnap the same, admitting he was struggling with purging urges- they'd stayed on call the whole night.

"oh right, okay," punz nodded, "is he okay?"

"yeah he's fine," quackity assured, "i don't know the details but he said this morning he was all fine and i know he was being genuine," he explained.

"i don't know how he can knock out like that in the middle of the day," punz laughed.

"like i said," quackity giggled, "lightweight."

"i wanna be like that," punz started, shifting to stand up. "i'm going to get another drink," he announces.

"oh wait, me too," sapnap chirps, leaving his empty bottle on karl's bedside cabinet as he followed punz out of the room. how they ended up getting drunk at two pm on a saturday, sapnap has no idea.

"get me one too!" quackity called as they made their way downstairs.

"will do!" sapnap shouted back.

the pair made their way into the kitchen, punz getting himself a white claw while sapnap got him and quackity beers. "can you pass me the bottle opener?" he asks, gesturing to the counter beside punz.

"yeah, sure," he smiles, picking up the metal object and holding it out to sapnap.

as the ravenette goes to take it, punz pulls it back, earning himself a glare. "not funny," sapnap mutters, stepping forward and holding his hand out. punz apologised, holding it out again and, once again, moving it when sapnap tried to grab it. "punz," he pouted.

the blond giggled, holding it up above his head, "c'mon sap, surely you can reach that." the ravenette rolled his eyes with a huff, stepping forward and leaning up onto his tiptoes. punz moved it just out of reach. "really sap?"

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