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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

friday finally wraps around, and sapnap's buzzing with excitement. the trio are all sleeping round dream's tonight since his parents are still away, and it's their first time spending the night with george. and maybe it's cringe, but sapnap can hardly sit still.

although, the energy doesn't seem mutual, as dream slumps into the car in the morning, focused on his phone as he gives sapnap a peck so quick it was hardly ever there.

sapnap waits a short moment, watching as dream wordlessly connects up to the aux. he decided to give him some time- the blond was occasionally like this if he hadn't slept well. the drive to george's is short as always, though mentally it feels like they're in the car for hours.

"are you okay?" sapnap asks as they pull up, noting how the blond was yet to speak. he leans his hand to sit on dream's knee, but the younger boy moves his leg to dodge the touch. sapnap furrows his eyebrows in worry.

"sorry," dream mutters, looking at sapnap's hand as it retreats back to the ravenette's own lap. "i'm fine," he assured, "i'm just antsy cause karl and his friends are staying around too and he was being annoying this morning," he explains, looking back to his phone.

"it's fine, we can stay in your room or the kitchen and just avoid them," sapnap points out, "we don't have to talk to them at all if you don't wanna."

dream just hums in response, and sapnap jumps as the backseat door opens behind him, he turns back as george gets in. the brit flashes the ravenette a kind grin before leaning forward to hand dream a cereal bar, "here." dream takes it with a smile.

sapnap stars the car, pulling out onto the road as he asks, "what's that for?"

"i wasn't ready when you messaged this morning," dream answers, unwrapping the bar, "i had to rush and didn't have time for breakfast."

"oh, i'm sorry," sapnap frowns, flashing the blond a quick look, "you should've said. i would've happily waited, or like, got you a bagel or something."

"it's fine," the blond dismisses with a shrug, "i've got this now."

they arrive at school earlier than they usually would, and it makes sapnap feel even worse for rushing the younger. 

"alright, bye sap, see you at lunch," dream says, and sapnap furrows his eyebrows.

"why're you going so early?" he asks, looking down at his watch, "we have like ten minutes before homeroom starts."

"we need to talk to our teacher," dream explains vaguely.

"oh right, okay," sapnap nods, forcing a smile, "that makes sense." the pair say goodbye before turning to walk away. 

and just like that, sapnap's alone. he pulls out his phone to look busy, scrolling through his camera roll and biting awkwardly on his bottom lip as he willed the bell to ring sooner.

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