i would kiss my friends

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

"remember i'm not going to be home until tomorrow evening, so you'll have to feed the rabbits," sapnap reminds his mom as he steps out of the house, beyond buzzing with excitement.

she follows him to the door with a wide smile, "don't worry, i won't forget. have fun!"

"i will, bye mom, love you," he chirps, turning to make his way towards karl's car.

"love you too!"

he quickly makes his way over, climbing into the backseat beside punz. karl had offered to drive them all seeing as he wasn't planning on drinking. sapnap had considered saying he wouldn't drink either, but it was his first proper party, and he was too excited to turn down such an important aspect. when they were dating, dream had been invited to a few parties, but they would never go- as the blond always said he'd rather just stay home and cuddle with sapnap.

"oh my gosh, your mom actually is hot!" quackity exclaimed, turning from where he'd been looking at sapnap's front door to face the ravenette.

"quackity!" punz scolded, leaning forward to hit the shorter boy's shoulder, "you can't say shit like that."

"he's just saying what we're all thinking," karl shrugged, starting the engine, "we ready to go?"

"oh gosh," quackity exclaimed exasperatedly, "we're all gonna die." karl looked at him with a glare before reversing out onto the road. "what?! you literally haven't driven anywhere in months."

"shut up, i'm a great driver."

and, unsurprisingly, karl was a great driver.

(miles better than quackity.)

the house was big. nowhere near the size of quackity's but it was bigger than any of the others. and it was loud- sapnap could feel the beat of the music through the ground from the end of the front garden, or maybe he was just imagining it. the front of the house only had a few people scattered around, and when they walked in, the inside was also less crowded than sapnap had assumed it would be.

punz had bought three eight-packs of white claws, and so the group headed straight for the kitchen to put them down. sapnap, obviously not knowing his way around, just followed his friends, and although it wasn't overrun with party-goers, they did still have to dodge a few groups of people.

as punz sets the boxes down, a brown-haired girl -who sapnap vaguely knows to be hannah- comes over, pulling quackity into a hug. quackity and hannah share a few hushed words that go unheard over the music before she turns to karl and punz, pulling the pair into a hug at the same time.

then, she turns, smiling widely at sapnap, "hey sap, i don't think we've ever actually spoken before," she laughs.

"no i don't think we have," he chuckles along, "even though we have like ninety percent of our classes together." hannah steps forward to pull sapnap into a hug, like she had done the others, and he hugs back, albeit a little awkward.

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