Chapter - 1

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It was another Monday morning.

The golden rays of the sun found their ways everywhere to give all the living organisms the much needed energy to start a new day.

A raven haired male ran through the busy hall of the Seoul National University, his right palm clutching onto the strap of his black bagpack for dear life.He fastened the pace of his feet movements, accidentally bumping onto some of the students who didn't give him space to run farther.He was late for his Maths class and he heard that there would be a new professor who would teach them the subject this year.He didn't want to look like a bad student in front of the professor who's still unknown to him.He didn't want the professor to have a bad impression on him, that too from the very first day of his class.

Jeon Jungkook, a fourth year student of accounting loves the subject Maths a lot and therefore, he has always gotten special attention from the professors of that specific subject.So it was natural for him to not depict his image as a bad student to whoever will come to teach them this time.It was the first class of his fourth, or I say, final year.He will be graduating within one year.So yeah, he was quite excited!

Soon, the panting male reached his classroom.A sigh of relief left Jungkook's lips as he noticed the professor's absence inside the class.He took some deep breaths to regain his usual cool composure before walking inside the classroom.Even though he was looking towards his front, he still could feel most of the classmates' eyes on him.It was an everyday thing.Jungkook always gets the unwanted attention from others because of his good looks.

At this point, he was unsure if having good looks is a blessing or a curse.

Mentally rolling his eyes at the others, he got seated at the first desk.Yes, he's a good student and always takes the first bench.It helps him to communicate with the teachers in a better way.Also, it saves him from getting distracted by those who sit on the backside of the classroom and do anything but concentrating on the class.

"BOOM" Came a loud voice when Jungkook was taking out his notebook.

"Why do you even try?" Jungkook said boringly as he glanced at the boy who was now sitting beside him, pouting at the failed attempt to scare his best friend.

"C'mon, at least get flinched or something for one day."

The boy, Park Jimin to be specific rolled his eyes in utter annoyance.He was so done with Jungkook and his 'you can't  scare me' attitude.

"In your dreams" Jungkook replied, giving Jimin a tight lipped smile.He didn't even know why the other keeps trying to startle him.I mean, it isn't even amusing.

Well, you see, Jimin and Jungkook know each other since their kindergarten days.They live in the same neighborhood as well.Because of having some health issues, Jimin missed one year of his primary schooling and that's how he ended up being in the same class with Jungkook.Needless to say, they clicked well and tada! They are best friends now!

"I heard, the new professor looks like a Greek God." Jimin said, arranging his notebook.He didn't need to look at his best friend to know that he was rolling his eyes at his remark.

"Good for him." Jungkook scoffed, finding it funny how students drool over their own teacher just because of good looks!

"Hey, don't say that." "Who knows, it can be good for us too?" Jimin wiggled his eyebrows at Jungkook, giving him a creepy smile only to recieve a smack on his backhead from the younger.

"Stop fantasizing about your teacher who's probably way too older than you and focus on the subject he's going too teach instead.It'll save him from being annoyed by you and increase your grades at the same time." Jungkook said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Sure, mom." Jimin rolled his eyes for the n-th time and hissed when Jungkook slapped his arm as a response for calling him 'mom'.

"Better you get whatever I said inside you head, Jimin-ssi.Otherwise, it can be your actual mom who'll have this talk with you later." Jungkook said, smiling oh so sweetly and Jimin couldn't help but gulp in fear.

Yes, his own best friend is kinda best friends with his own mother and Jungkook doesn't give empty threats.Who'll know it better than him?

"You are really mean, Kookie.I hope you start swooning over our new professor.Then you'll see how this Park Jimin will laugh at you." Jimin pouted, sulking at his best friend who didn't even bother looking at him before laughing his ass off.

"O-oh my God...Y-you should become a c-comedian, Chim....I bet, y-you'll be more f-famous than Yoo Jae-suk one d-day." Jungkook said in between his laughter fit.The boy literally had to wipe  the tears off his eyes after laughing for a good while.

"You know what? I hate you." Jimin glared at the younger once he stopped laughing at him, or I say his so called curse.

"You already know that the feeling is mutual, Jimin-ssi" Jungkook, of course, talked back and that was it.Jimin had enough.

The elder was about to strangle his best friend, failing to pay attention to the whole classroom which suddenly went silent.

"What's going on?"

Both Jimin and Jungkook got startled when they heard an unfamiliar, ocean deep voice.They looked towards the owner of the voice slowly and time froze for both of them for different reasons as they saw an unfamiliar man standing near the entrance.

Jimin froze because by the looks of it, he was sure it was their new professor who just saw him trying to strangle Jungkook.He wasn't sure what to say to make the situation normal.His cheeks heated up in embarrassment, feeling all the eyes of the classroom on him.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was thunderstuck by the handsome man who stood near the entrance, giving both him and Jimin a questioning look.He felt his heart skipping a beat as the unknown male made an eye contact with him for a mere second before adverting his gaze to Jimin.

"S-sir, w-we were just p-playing...haha" He heard his best friend stuttering out after what felt like an eternity and then he saw it.He saw how the man's lips curved upwards, forming a beautiful smile.

"It's alright.I didn't mean to scare you."

He said with that deep voice and proceeded towards the platform from where the professors deliver lectures to the whole class.By the time he stood in front of the board, Jungkook lost count of his skipping heartbeats.

"Good morning, everyone.I'm Kim Taehyung, your new Math professor.Nice to meet you all." The male spoke up as he bowed a little, recieving greetings from all the students.

And it was at that moment Jungkook knew, the curse his best friend threw at him just a few minutes ago, might have started working for the very first time......


Name - Park Jimin21 years oldThe cutie, sexy, lovely and sweet guyJungkook's best friend

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Name - Park Jimin
21 years old
The cutie, sexy, lovely and sweet guy
Jungkook's best friend



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