Chapter - 11

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Taehyung checked the time as he walked towards his car after exiting the Jeon family's house.A sigh left his mouth when he realised that he was about to be late for his next destination.Shaking his head to get rid of any other type of thoughts, he finally drove off his car.

He can't be late.Otherwise Jin will....

The sudden sound of phone ringing filled the car, pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts.Since the road wasn't that busy, he decided to recieve the call.He tapped the dial of the car to recieve the call as the phone was already connected to it via bluetooth.

"Taehyung-ah, I thought you'd be here on time, feeling all excited to see me after four fucking years." Came the voice from the other side.

"I'm on my way, hyung and of course, I'm excited to see you." Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at the elder male fondly.

"Yeah yeah, I believed what you said." Came a dramatic reply, making a smiling Taehyung roll his eyes.

"By the way, why did you recieve my call in the first place? You must be driving right now." The man continued, more like talked to himself.

"Thank heavens.You finally realized!" Taehyung let out in a sarcastic tone, making the other person scoff.

"I'm hanging up the call then.Drive safely." The man said and cut the call once he heard Taehyung humming in response.

Once the beep sound of the call being hung up was heard, Taehyung automatically sped up his car.He wanted to reach the airport as soon as possible.

He can't wait to meet his best friend after four long years.


"Kookie, are you alright?"

Jungkook got startled by the sudden touch he felt on his shoulder.He exhaled, trying to relax a bit before turning towards his mother.

"Yes, eomma.I'm alright." He passed the lady a smile, trying not to show her how stressed he was in reality.

Yerim stared at her son for some time in silence before nodding her head.She was there to call the boy for dinner but what he saw was Jungkook sitting on his bed, looking lost.Though the boy will never admit, she could clearly see tear stains on his cheeks.

It's been a few days since Jungkook started doing this.Yes, Yerim was noticing everything.She's a mother after all.She was aware of how stressed Jungkook started becoming day by day, she was aware of how the boy who once loved to attend his classes didn't bother to go to the university for three days straight.She has also noticed how Jungkook's smile stopped reaching his eyes.There were so many little changes in Jungkook's behaviours at once that it was hard not to notice them.

What Yerim couldn't understand was the reason behind all this mess.She knew for a fact that Jungkook wasn't worried about his studies.His friendship with Jimin seemed fine as well.So there's no way the boy is stressed with such things.

The only thing remained is -

Jungkook's love life....

At this age, it's not that hard to fall for someone.So there's a high chance of Jungkook catching feelings for someone special.The boy must be worried about something like that.Yerim just hopes that the boy will open up to them when needed.

"I was here to tell you that the dinner is ready.Your father is already waiting in the dining room.Let's get going yeah?" The lady spoke up, running her fingers through her son's hairs.

"Ok.Let's go." Jungkook passed his mother a small smile, finally feeling a bit relaxed under her motherly warmth.

He so wanted to cry in her embrace and tell her about his forbidden feelings for Taehyung but he couldn't bring himself to do that.He knew that sharing his stressful thoughts would give him some sort of relief but he was scared to do so despite knowing how understanding and loving both his parents are.So, he decided to hold onto his act of looking fine for as long as possible.

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