Chapter - 33

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After leaving the canteen area, Taehyung headed towards his cabin with fast footsteps.He was already sure that Jungkook wouldn't be inside the room when he returns but still it made him feel lonely all of a sudden.

Was it because of how intimate they were just a while ago?

A sigh left Taehyung's mouth as he collected his stuffs in a hurry, wanting to leave the place already.

Only if that woman didn't waste his time like that...

Soon enough, Taehyung kept most of the things that were on the table inside its drawers.While doing so, he remembered how he almost forgot about his belt which was left in one of the drawers.He took out the belt and put it in his bag, not bothering to fasten it when he was just heading back to his home.Once he was sure that nothing was left behind, he walked out of the cabin to go home, mentally noting to mail the director of the university about his sudden absence later.

The walk towards the college staff's parking lot was short as Taehyung took rather long strides towards his car.He got into the driving seat as soon as he neared the car and locked the car the very next second.

"I missed you!" Taehyung mumbled before pulling the boy who was seated on the passenger seat all the while for an urgent kiss.A side of his lips curved upwards to form a smirk when the usual sweet taste of the other's lips felt a bit different this time.

"May we leave now?" He asked after pulling out of the kiss while eyeing the boy, more like, Jeon Jungkook who seemed to be in need of oxygen at the moment.He started the car when the boy nodded his head while panting hard.He was breathless and for some reason, Taehyung didn't feel bad for his situation.

Actually, Jungkook came to the university with Jimin as usual but since he had to meet Taehyung, he asked Jimin to leave, not wanting him to wait for him till who knows how much time.This time Jimin didn't insist to wait for him that much as well.The boy was sure that his best friend needed to spend some time with the professor after the stressful finals.So he directly went home, giving Jungkook all the time he needed to spend with the man he loves.

"Would you like to grab lunch with me before I drop you off at your place?" The comfortable silence inside the car was broken by the elder male after some time.

"I thought you are full already?" Came Jungkook's reply, making Taehyung chuckle in amusement.

Was Jungkook.....that jealous!

"Oh c'mon, you should already know that I didn't intend to grab any coffee with her." He replied, glancing at the boy who raised an eyebrow at him in a daring way.

"I've politely rejected her offers multiple times by now but she needed to understand it the hard way I guess." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders as he concentrated on the road ahead.

"Earlier I didn't understand why you told me to wait for you in your car before following her.I didn't really like the fact that you agreed to her but I knew, you had reasons behind your actions." Jungkook spoke, glancing at Taehyung's side profile as he remembered how Taehyung subtly handed him his car keys, mouthing 'wait till I return in my car' before following Ms. Park out of the cabin.

"You are way too matured for your age.You know that?" Taehyung smiled as he looked at the younger with heart eyes.He still couldn't believe ho perfect Jungkook was for him.Even though the boy was much younger than him, it looked like he was of the same mental age as his.

"What happened after you left with her?" Jungkook asked, more like changed the topic, feeling his cheeks heating up due to the way Taehyung was looking at him.

The next few minutes went by Taehyung explaining what happened in the canteen and Jungkook couldn't help but facepalm.Somewhere in the corner of his heart, he felt bad for the female.He remembered the time when he was in so much pain just by the thought of his love not being returned by Taehyung.The female who actually went through that rejection, that too in such a harsh way, it might've hurt her so much!

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