Chapter - 9

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There was only a few minutes left for 6 pm.Taehyung was still in the university.He didn't feel like returning home just yet.As he was busy contemplating over how his life has changed recently, the sound of some notification of his phone caught his shattered attention.

Heaving a sigh, the young professor checked his phone.The annoyance he has been feeling throughout the day only increased when he saw who it was.

✉ : "Son, thank you once again for joining us during the dinner yesterday.We really had a great time with you and Jin.Take care of yourself and our Jin-ie."

Taehyung didn't want to but ended up rolling his eyes as he read the text from Seokjin's mother.Well, he hates fake people.He still can't believe how different Seokjin's parents are compared to their very own, one and only son.Seokjin is a simple, sweet and caring man with a very carefree and straight forward attitude while his parents only know about money and status.Hell, they don't even think about their son's happiness.If they did....

Another beep sound from the phone halted Taehyung's train of thoughts.He looked down at his phone screen, expecting another sugar-coated message but was surprised to see Jungkook's name on it.He kept looking at the name for some time before finally reading the message.

Jungkook : "Sir, I've been suffering from high fever from the last three days and that's why I wasn't able to go to the university.The purpose of messaging you is, I wanted to inform you about my health.So, will it be alright if I complete my project at home itself?"

A small frown took upon Taehyung's attractive facial features after he read the message.Now it makes sense why the boy hasn't shown up in the past three days!

Taehyung gave his phone number to Jungkook that day when the boy started his project work, in case the boy needs to ask him about something important.He saved Jungkook's phone number as well since he has developed this habit of ignoring calls from unknown numbers over years...


It was a familiar voice which snapped Taehyung out of his thoughts after who knows how long!

"H-hyung, you scared me." Taehyung spoke, looking at the intruder, who was none other than Seokjin with wide eyes.

"Are you kidding me?I was calling your name for three minutes straight and you were like daydreaming or something?" Jin rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the younger male's silliness.

"You can talk to me about anything without the sightest amount of hesitation you know?" Jin's voice turned serious after observing Taehyung for a while.

They've known each other for years and by now, Jin has become kind of an expert in reading Taehyung's mind.He was sure that there was something that was bothering Taehyung.Otherwise, there's no way the younger will space out like that, that too in his workplace.

Taehyung remained silent for some time, deciding if he should voice out his inner thoughts to Jin or not.A small, mysterious smile crept up on his plump lips as he slowly looked up at the man in front of him -

"What about a coffee at your or my place?I miss your handmade coffee." He spoke up, letting the elder male take in the depth of his words.

"Sure...But at my place." Seokjin replied without any hesitation.

Well, he got exactly what Taehyung was trying to convey by his words earlier....


Jungkook stared at his phone screen which showed "It's alright.Take care of yourself, Jungkook!", the message Taehyung sent him as a response to his message.

Never in his life Jungkook ever thought that he'd lie to his professor one day.The fact that he lied to Kim Taehyung, the man he has romantic feelings for hurt him.But he didn't see any other option that doing this.He couldn't bring himself to face the professor after that day when he got to know about the relationship between Professor Seokjin and him.

First, Jungkook was hurt.His heart was broken into pieces.He was sure that he'd never be able to heal his wounded heart.The feeling of daring to fall for Taehyung made him feel like a sinner.So he couldn't go to the university and face Taehyung even after three long days.

When he couldn't find the courage to go to the university even after these three days passed, he ended up messaging Taehyung, saying he had a fever which was a complete lie.He wasn't ready to face the man without feeling ashamed.That's it.In fact, he doubts if he'll ever be able to stand in front of Taehyung in the future.

"Get a grip of yourself.You can forget him.You definitely can move past your feelings for c-can!" Jungkook said to himself though the crack in his voice at the end said the exact different thing.

Taking a few deep breathes, Jungkook tried to concentrate on his project instead.

Who knows?

May be it'll distract him from all the negative thoughts, actually a certain someone's thoughts for the time being.....


It was almost nine in the evening when Jungkook completed a huge portion of his project.For the first time in the last three days, he felt like he did something that should actually be done.He didn't feel bad.The fact that he was able to distract himself at least a bit from all his messy thoughts made his heart feel light.

A yawn left his mouth even though he wasn't feeling that sleepy, a clear physical sign of the low amount of energy in his system.Well, he hasn't been eating and sleeping well since the last three days.Of course, his mother forced him to have his meals properly but looking at his gloomy self, even she didn't dare to scold him.

Jungkook flinched hard when he heard the sound of the door of his room being opened out of the blue.He clutched onto his left chest, trying to calm down his heart which was about to jump out of his mouth any moment before finally looking at whoever it was.

"Sorry, Kookie.Didn't mean to scare you." Yerim passed her son a sheepish smile, noticing that the boy literally flinched because of her sudden entry.

"You know there's someone who wanted to meet you.I brought him to your room itself." She continued, not minding the 'so done' look her son was giving her.

"W-who?" Now Jungkook was confused.

If it would be Jimin, the elder would just burge into his room and then make himself comfortable in whichever part of the room he feels like it.

Jungkook doesn't have any other friends than Jimin.So he couldn't really understand whom his mother was talking about.

The confusion he was feeling was soon gone though!

It was gone the moment his eyes landed on the person who was standing right behind his mother.

"M- Mr. Kim?"

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