Chapter - 4

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Days passed and Jungkook couldn't help his feelings which only grew for his professor.

Everytime he attends Taehyung's classes, he can't concentrate on anything else other than the man himself.His heart aches whenever he sees others trying to approach the elder male.It hurts more when he thinks of the possibilities of Taehyung already having someone special in his life.

With passing time, the heavy feeling inside Jungkook only increased.Loving someone but knowing that it wouldn't end up well, hurt him.Not being able to express what he feels for Taehyung was eating him from inside.It was thougher than he expected it to be!

"Good morning, class."

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts when he heard an energetic voice all of a sudden.It was only when he realised that he was spaced out from the moment he sat down at his respective seat.Usually, Jimin's talks help him to stay on the present moment but the elder was absent today because he overslept...

Heaving a sigh, Jungkook looked up only to frown in confusion.It was supposed to be an old professor who'd teach them this subject but instead of that man, there stood a young male.Jungkook must admit that the male looked quite attractive with a perfect body and a perfect smile which showed his pearly white upper teeth.

"Judging by your confused looks, I think I should introduce myself right away." The man said and laughed, making a weird sound.

Its sound made the students look at one another before they burst out into a fit of laughter too.Even Jungkook's lips also curved upwards, seeing how cheerful the male was.

"Well, I am Kim Seokjin.I've newly joined this university as a guest professor.As Mr. Han is taking his retirement this week, I'll be taking this class till your new professor arrives.Hope you'll pay attention to the class well and won't hesitate to ask me whenever you have any doubts." The man spoke, looking at the whole class.This time, his face had that serious look which made the students hear his each words with full concentration.

"That's great." The man smiled when he saw the students nodding their heads in affirmation.

"Since it's my first class, I'd like to know you all before I start teaching you.So please introduce yourself one by one." Professor Seokjin spoke as he glanced at the students.

"Let's start from you." The man pointed at one of the last benchers, the smile never leaving his face.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile again, feeling the different vibe radiating from the professor.Usually, other professors tend to think that the ones sitting at the first few desks are the only ones who'd matter to them at the end.But Mr. Kim Seokjin seemed different....

Just like Taehyung!

Jungkook mentally slapped himself for thinking about the male again.It has started to become his habit.He thinks of Kim Taehyung without even realising it.At this point, it was totally out of his hands.

Shaking his head a little, Jungkook put his attention on his classmates who introduced themselves to the new professor with so much enthusiasm.The professor too, equally took part in it.He kept asking different types of questions to the students which clearly showed that he's a sweet and friendly person.

It was almost the time towards the end of the class when it was Jungkook's turn to introduce himself.The boy stood up and introduced himself as he smiled at the professor politely.For some reason, he felt like the man was looking at him differently than he looked at the others.The man stared at him with an unreadable gaze before passing him a beautiful smile, nodding his head in somewhat an understanding manner.

Jungkook heaved the breath he was holding when Mr. Kim Seokjin moved on to the remaining students to know about them.He looked at the man for some time only to notice that he was quite observant and looked through everyone's souls.Yes, he had that smile on his face but it looked like the man put more attention to the students' body languages than to the words they spoke.In other words, it looked like he was reading the students' minds.

For some reason, Jungkook felt fascinated by the man.He looked exactly like how a perfect man should look like.He couldn't help but find it similar to Taehyung yet again.Both the men have insanely good looks, that to naturally.The way they interact with the students is also different from the other professors' ways of dealing with students.In other words, Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin shared so many similarities and Jungkook couldn't help but notice it all.His train of thoughts broke only when he heard the professor's voice -

"Oh...You see, It's already the time for my leave.Let's meet in the next class, everyone.I'll take my leave now." Mr. Seokjin spoke as he finally left the classroom, leaving excited murmurs among the students behind.

Meanwhile, Jungkook shook his head in utter disappointment.Today too, he spent most of his time thinking about his unintentional feelings towards Taehyung inside the classroom.Hell, the more he tried to distract himself from thinking about Kim Taehyung, the more his mind got occupied by the man's thoughts.The fact that he couldn't share it with anyone only acted as a fuel in this case.It was frustrating but he couldn't help but like that uneasy feeling bubbling up inside him whenever he sees Taehyung!

He knew that he was already a lost case...


It was the next day.Jungkook and Jimin walked through the busy hall towards their classroom.The elder male, as usual, kept talking about this and that to his best friend.Jungkook couldn't help but smile at the other's goofiness.

Yes, Park Jimin has the talent of getting on his nerves every single moment but then again, Jungkook thanks heavens for having Jimin by his side since ages.For now, it was the elder's voice which didn't let his mind automatically start to think about Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't be more glad for that!

"Woah woah....Who's that handsome man?"

Jungkook looked up towards the direction Jimin pointed at.The elder looked like he just saw some angel on the very planet.Jungkook chuckled when he saw that it was Mr. Kim Seokjin.

Jimin has eyes for all the good looking persons; Hasn't he?

"It's Mr. Kim Seokjin, our temporary, new professor who'll be taking the class of Mr. Han from now onwards.He took his first class yesterday itself." Jungkook explained and Jimin made an 'o' face in understatement.

"Damn...Our new professors are quite hot for being in the teaching field you know!" The elder exclaimed but got the shock of his life when he heard his best friend chuckling at his words instead of scolding him like other days.

"You've changed you know." Jungkook looked at Jimin with raised eyebrows as he head the elder's accusing tone.

"May I ask what changes you are talking about?" The younger asked, giving Jimin a mocking smile but his smile dropped Immediately when he heard the elder's next words.

"You laughed.That means, your opinions on a student drooling over their teacher have changed.Mind telling me what I missed."


New entry :

▪︎Name - Kim Seokjin▪︎Age - 32 years old▪︎Really handsome, has a friendly aura

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▪︎Name - Kim Seokjin
▪︎Age - 32 years old
▪︎Really handsome, has a friendly aura


I'm not in a very good mood.So I won't be rereading the chapter or I'd probably end up deleting it again.

I hope the chapter wasn't bad.
Thank you for reading 💜

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