Chapter - 10

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"Hello, Mr. Jeon."

Jungkook felt his palms becoming sweaty when the man greeted him with a smile which shows nothing else but pure professionalism.

"Hello, s-sir." The aforementioned male cleared his throat which went dry after getting shocked to see the man at his door so unexpectedly.He just couldn't bring himself to act normal at that moment.Hell, he didn't even know what else to say to ease the situation which seemed pretty tensed.

"Taehyung-ssi, please take a seat. I'll be back with some refreshments." Yerim spoke up, taking the attention of both the males.As a mother, she could clearly sense that her son was way too shocked to react to his professor's sudden arrival at their home.That's the reason, she decided to speak on behalf of Jungkook as it was quite disrespectful to keep any guest standing for long.

"Thanks Mrs. Jeon and there's no need to bring me anything.I have an important work to do later.I'll be leaving within a few minutes." Taehyung passed the woman a polite smile before sitting down on the chair beside Jungkook's study table, right where the boy was sitting before his arrival.

Yerim tried to protest but at last, ended up giving in to the young professor who seemed adamant on not having anything at the moment.She then left the room, not wanting to interrupt the conversation between a professor and a student.

Meanwhile Jungkook, who was standing still on the same spot since the moment Taehyung arrived came back to reality when he saw his mother leaving the room.Now that he was left alone with the man, his heart felt restless.The thoughts that were disturbing him came back with full force even though he tried his best not to let his emotions get the best of him.

Slowly, he walked towards his bed and got seated on it, facing the professor before his legs could give up on keeping him from standing straight.He could feel the man's eyes on him but didn't dare to look up.He didn't want to mess things up anymore.His head was already occupied with so many thoughts about Taehyung and now that he knows the man is already taken, he couldn't just look up at him and act like nothing happened!

"How are you feeling now?"

Jungkook almost flinched when he heard the deep voice he has been missing from the last three days.It took him some time to realize what Taehyung asked him and why....

"I-I'm f-feeling better now.T-thank you!" He replied, looking anywhere but at the man's eyes.It was just so hard to lie on Taehyung's face.He couldn't bring himself to do it.

All the while Taehyung was noticing how the boy didn't once look at his eyes while answering.The way Jungkook stuttered while answering a simple question looked kinda suspicious to him.He couldn't help but think if the boy was even telling the truth or not.So he didn't hesitate to move forward and put the back of his right palm on the boy's forehead, in case Jungkook still had a fever and lied to him.

"Hmm..Looks like, the fever is actually gone." The professor nodded his head when he didn't feel any unusual warmth on Jungkook's forehead.Now that he was confirmed about the boy's well being, he moved back to sit properly yet again.

"Actually I came here to check how much progress you've done in the project work.Since you couldn't go to the uni and there isn't much time left to finish all the work, I wanted to see if you need some help to complete it on time." The man spoke up, failing to notice how dazed the boy looked at that moment.

Jungkook's cheeks were tinted pink while his widened eyes and parted lips seemed to forget their original positions.He saw Taehyung's lips moving but couldn't hear a single word that left his mouth.

What just happened !

".....kook.....Jungkook....Mr. Jeon, are you listening to what I'm saying?"

Jungkook flinched hard before looking at Taehyung who was now looking at him with a frown.The boy blinked his eyes repeatedly, taking in the situation.

Did he just zone out while the man was right in front of him?

For how long the professor was talking?

What was he talking about!!!

"S-sorry, sir.I-I kinda....." Jungkook gulped, feeling ashamed to even complete the sentence.

"It's ok.I think, you really need more rest." Taehyung said, already guessing how the boy might be feeling at the moment.

He should let the boy rest instead of telling him to rush his project work.After all, he has just gotten rid of his fever.

"No no, Mr. Kim.I-I'm alright.Can you p-please repeat what you s-said earlier?" Jungkook's voice came out high pitched, fearing the professor was disappointed with him because of not paying attention to his talk.

"I was here to see if you needed any help to complete your project on time.Everyone is working with their project partners.So it'll be easier for them to complete their projects on time.Since you were sick and might not be able to proceed your project, I thought you'd need a helping hand.I was supposed to help you with your project anyways.For now, take some proper rest.Since your fever is gone now, we can discuss about it in the university tomorrow." Taehyung spoke using a rather soft tone before standing up from his sitting position.

"B-but...." Jungkook didn't really know what he was about to say but he was cut off by the professor who now started walking towards the door.

"Take care of yourself, Jungkook.See you tomorrow."

And just like that, the man was gone!

Jungkook heaved a sigh he was holding for long.He couldn't help but rememise whatever happened within just a few minutes.

Taehyung came to their home.

The man asked him about his well-being and his project work.

H-he even c-checked his body temperature!!!!

Unknowingly, Jungkook's fingers raised to touch his forehead where he still could feel Taehyung's lingering touch.His cheeks heated up as his bit his lower lip shyly.He could clearly hear how loudly his heart was beating just by him losing himself in the thoughts of the professor.Never once in his wildest dreams he had imagined of Taehyung touching him, let alone in a caring manner.

Remembering the touch only made Jungkook feel funny inside his stomach.A small smile brightened up the boy's flushed face as his whole body warmed up with sudden adrenaline rush.But his smile faltered soon when he remembered that he has gotten excited for someone who already loves someone else.

That hurts!

Jungkook blinked his eyes multiple times yet again, this time, in an attempt to stop his eyes from producing unnecessary tears.

How was he supposed to forget about his feelings towards Taehyung if things continue like this?

He can't just ignore the feelings of his heart if the man he loves appears at his door all of a sudden and shows his caring side for him.

He can never......


How did Taehyung know where he lives at !!!!!


I wrote this chapter 3 times and kept deleting the drafts coz I wasn't satisfied with whatever I came up with.So I'm publishing this before I end up deleting again.Let's just hope that my fourth attempt isn't be that bad!

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