Chapter - 20

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The next day came sooner than expected, at least for Jeon Jungkook.He didn't want to face Taehyung just yet but he can't just do whatever he wants, not when he has to submit the project to the aforementioned male on time.

Heaving a sigh, Jungkook checked his project which he somehow managed to complete before sleeping the night before one last time.When he didn't find any mistakes, he put the project copy inside his bag and went inside the bathroom to do his morning routine.

Within the next forty five minutes, Jungkook found himself cladded in black trousers with a white t-shirt.He brushed his hair in a hurry and grabbed his bag before running out of his room to have breakfast with his parents like other usual days.As he expected, Jimin was once again waiting for him in their living room.The elder's eyes were on his phone screen as he sat on one of the living room couches.He looked up when he saw Jungkook through his peripheral vision.

"Kookie, we're going to be late.I'm giving you five minutes.Now go and finish your meal fast." The elder spoke up, using a threatening tone which didn't affect Jungkook at all.But the younger did go towards their dining room to have some food to start another stressful day.

Yes, they're going to be late.

But who'll tell Jimin how badly he wants not to face Kim Taehyung this soon!

He's not ready to face the man at all!


Taehyung was in the kitchen, humming one of his favourite songs 'singularity' as he prepared a few banana pancakes and a glass of mango juice for himself.Once he was done, he put the pancakes in a hot case and almost ran towards his bedroom.He was getting late already.So he hurriedly went to the bathroom attached to his bedroom and took a shower as fast as possible.Out of every days, he can't manage to get late today when he knows that he's going to see Jungkook in the uni later.

The thought of the boy itself made him smile like a fool.Taehyung didn't even realise how much he was smiling while he used bodywash on his skin.He stood under the shower for a while and got out once the foams of the bodywash left his skin.He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked towards the closer which was right next to the bathroom, wanting to put some effort in getting ready........just like he has been doing for a few weeks!

Unlike other days, Taehyung decided to have an all black look for the day.So, he wore a black shirt, pairing with black socks and trousers.He then backbrushed his hair which gave a more matured look to him and also made his facial muscles look more prominent.Taking the black coat in his hands, the man finally went out of his room, wanting to be done with his breakfast already.

Taehyung was feeling various things at the same time but he somehow managed to gulp down two pancakes with the help of the juice and left the remaining ones in the hot case itself.He kept thinking about his love even when he was wearing his black, freshly polished leather shoes.His is anxiety was rising for some reason but the excitement of being able to see Jungkook suppressed it to some extent.

Yes, he was excited.

He was excited that he'd be seeing Jungkook again.

He was excited for whatever was to come!


"I can only hope that we aren't late for our first class." Jimin mumbled, locking his car.The next moment, he almost dragged Jungkook towards their classroom, totally ignoring how the younger glared at him for daring to do so.

"Calm the fuck down, Jimin-ssi.We still have two minutes left." Jungkook huffed at last, not being able to control the annoyance he was feeling a the moment.

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