Chapter - 3

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Silence engulfed the whole classroom as soon as the students were told that the result of their surprise Math test would be given on that very day.For the first time in that class, most of the students felt suffocated, not wanting to know what marks they gained in the test.The nervousness they felt only increased when the professor's eyes roamed in their faces, probably to see their reactions to what he just declared.

"You'll come here and recieve your copies when I call the roll numbers..." Taehyung spoke after some time.

"....along with the marks you obtained." He continued, this time his words giving chills down the students' spines.

No-one was prepared for the upcoming embarrassment, at least not on their uni life.Even the toppers who were sure of getting good marks got nervous when their new favourite professor said those words.Jungkook, being one of those toppers could feel sweat coming out of his forehead when he knew that Taehyung will be calling his roll number too.

On the day of the test, Jungkook was pretty sure that he was gonna get full marks.He even solved all the problems  before the period was over.But now?Now he suddenly wants to run away from the classroom.

What if he unknowingly missed something?

What if Taehyung is disappointed with his performance?

Even when everything's alright, what if he faints in front of the man?

Jungkook bit his lower lip as the anxiety inside him rose to its maximum.He looked at Jimin who, as usual, was sitting beside him.The elder didn't look bothered by the situation at all.In fact, it looked like he was enjoying the other students' misery a bit too much.


The familiar deep voice made Jungkook flinch when he clearly heard the disappointment in it.He looked up at the professor who had a blank look on his face as he handed the copy he was holding to one of the female students.Jungkook could clearly see the girl's hand shaking when he took the copy.He saw how the girl didn't dare to look up even for once for the whole time.

And Taehyung?

He started looking really intimidating all of a sudden.

The way the man was calling the students and handing them their copies with a disappointed look on his face made him look like a completely different person.His face looked stern, his usual bright appearance was nowhere on sight.Everytime the students who got low marks stood in front of him, his eyes would turn emotionless, showing how he didn't expect such results from them.

The saga continued....

Jungkook kept looking at the students who went to the professor with a scared look on their faces and then returned with a dejected, ashamed look.Their expressions were enough to show how much they loathed themselves for disappointing their favourite professor.

After some time Jungkook felt Jimin standing up as his roll number was read out loud this time.The elder then walked towards the professor with confident steps.Unlike other students, he wasn't nervous.In fact, there was a small smile playing on his lips as he stood in front of the professor.


"Well done!" The lips of the man curved a bit upwards as he nodded his head at Jimin proudly, handing him the copy afterwards.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim." Jimin passed the professor his infamous eye smile before returning to his seat.

Jungkook couldn't help but gulp in nervousness when Jimin finally sat beside him.He knew that his roll number will be called any moment and oh boy!He felt his throat getting dry, finding it difficult to stay calm.

"...kook, Jungkook" Jungkook snapped out of his negative thoughts when he felt a sudden pain in his sides.He looked towards his best friend who just elbowed him and is now glaring at him in a subtle manner.

"Go" He spoke in a hushed tone when Jungkook looked at him with clueless eyes.


"Go bish...It's your turn." Jimin gritted his teeth at how dumb the younger was acting all of a sudden.

Jungkook's eyes widened in realisation.Due to nervousness, he didn't even hear his roll number being called loudly.He stood up hastily before the professor thought he's absent.He then took shaky steps towards the man who now had his eyes settled on him.

It felt hard to breathe as Jungkook felt Taehyung's sharp eyes on him.He didn't dare to look up, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of the whole class by running away from the room.All he wished for was his heart beat to slow down a beat so that its sound can't be heard by Taehyung himself.

Imagine your professor catching you having feelings for him, that too in front of a whole class!

Once Jungkook stood in front of the professor, he took a shaky breath before looking up.He looked down immediately when his eyes landed right on those almond, addictive eyes.He couldn't look at them directly for some reason.

Time slowed down for Jungkook as he kept changing his weight on either of his feet.His knees felt weak, too weak for his liking.He could feel everyone's attention on him, probably waiting to hear how much marks he obtained.Also, the eyes of his favourite person on him didn't help him at all.It all made him feel even worse.


Jungkook's breath hitched when he heard the voice barely above a whisper.He looked up at the professor with wide eyes, not understanding if what he heard was real.

He didn't just say that?

Was he hearing things then?

Of course, he is.Because Taehyung's face looked as blank as ever....


Jungkook saw how the word rolled out of the professor's mouth, this time for real.He blinked his eyes dumbly, trying to process what he was being told at the moment.A gasp left his mouth when he realised that he has obtained full marks on the test.Well, it's nothing new for him but this time, it felt special.

It felt so damn special....

"Good job, Mr. Jeon.Keep it up."

And There it was....

Kim Taehyung smiled that special smile of his as he handed Jungkook the copy.

Jungkook felt his cheeks heating up just by recieving the mere smile from the man.It did things to him he couldn't express with words!

He knew that he liked the man before...

But now?

Now he knows for a fact that it's not only his liking towards the man...

There's much more to it !

With a small smile on his lips, Jungkook finally took the copy from Taehyung.His heart almost leaped out of his chest when the man's fingers touched his for a  nanosecond.It might be a really small fraction of time but it didn't fail to give butterflies in his stomach.He returned to his seat afterwards, still feeling dazed by whatever happened within the last few minutes.

As he sat down on his seat and heard another roll number being called, he finally relaxed.But it didn't stay for long when he realised something....

Unlike other students, Taehyung called him by his surname....

Taehyung knew his name.....

Taehyung knew him...



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