Chapter - 25

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Jungkook stood inside his closet with a confused frown.There were so many clothes but he still couldn't choose what he should be wearing the next day, to his first ever date.A sigh left his mouth before he decided to wear just a plain white shirt along with a pair of light blue jeans.It would definitely look okay with white sneakers.Nodding his head to himself, Jungkook came out of the closet.

Other things can wait.But if he doesn't get a good sleep tonight, he'll be looking like a ghost the next day.Then there'll be no way he'll look good no matter how much effort he puts in getting ready.It was already past twelve.So he went to his bed directly, wanting to sleep already.

Things have changed a lot within just a few days for him.After things became clear between him and Taehyung, his life has somehow turned more colourful.Yes, they can't act like normal couples because the love relationship between a professor and his student isn't something the society here accepts.Needless to say, there's a bunch of homophobic people in their society as well.

How can people from the twenty first century be so stupid!

Jungkook couldn't help but wonder.He has always heard that time heals everything.So he hoped that time would heal people's homophobic minds too.Not like those people can affect his love for Taehyung anyways.In fact, he's more than willing to let everyone know that the one he loves is a man, Kim Taehyung to be exact and there was no-one as perfect as Taehyung for him!

The only thing that bothers Jungkook is he has kept about everything between him and Taehyung a secret from everyone until now.Well, it's been only five days after all and also, he hasn't gotten any chance to meet Taehyung in person in these days.He wanted to talk with him about this matter actually.Whenever he went to the uni, Jimin was always with him.If he went to meet Taehyung to his cabin for no reason, Jimin would've found it suspicious and Jungkook didn't want that.He really wanted to share everything with his best friend but for that, he wanted to ask for Taehyung's permission first.So he waited for the day of their date patiently so that he can meet Taehyung and talk things out.

A yawn left Jungkook's mouth as he kept thinking about the situation he's in right now.He was worried about his parents' opinions too.He doesn't want to reveal things to them yet.Whose parents would appreciate it if their son or daughter dates their professor who is almost nine years older than them?So Jungkook decided not to tell them about his love life for the time being.He'll wait for the right time when he can inform his parents about Taehyung with patience.

Let's just indulge myself in my present now!

I'll see what can be done about getting my parents' approval later when the time comes...


"Can I pick you up instead?"

Taehyung stared at the message for two whole minutes before pursing his lips in a thin line.He didn't expect this would be Jungkook's reply when he texted the boy asking if he could pick the boy up from his place at eleven in the morning.He literally planned things accordingly for their date but looks like plans actually don't work out in the end, just like the story of the 'Parasite' movie showed.But now that he recieved such an unexpected response, he replied an 'okay' to Jungkook, not wanting him to feel dejected.The boy was the younger one between them.So he had to make sure that the younger one would be comfortable with everything.

"Send me your location please?"

A chuckle left Taehyung's mouth as he read the next text that was sent by Jungkook.Shaking his head a little, he sent the boy his location.A sigh left his mouth as he looked down at his clothes - a white T-shirt, grey coloured trousers and lastly a blazer of the same colour.
Now he'll have to wait till Jungkook arrives while wearing these clothes!He wished he'd text the boy before getting ready.Waiting after getting ready to go out just doesn't sit right in his head no matter how old he gets.

Soon enough, Taehyung found a way to distract himself.He brought the book 'Life Lessons' that was recommended to him by one of his close friends Min Yoongi from his bookshelf and got seated on the living room couch.He then started reading it as he hadn't gotten any time to read it yet.He didn't even realise how time passed as he got immersed in the contents of the book - from the author getting into an accident to......

Ding dong

Taehyung flinched hard when the loud sound of the calling bell ringing resonated through the room all of a sudden.He heaved a sigh before putting the book down and then walked towards the door, already knowing that it might be Jungkook at the door.

As expected, a nervous looking Jungkook came into Taehyung's view when he opened the door.The man smiled automatically as he took in the boy's appearance who was busy looking at his surrounding with so much curiosity.

"Do you like the place?" The question flew out of Taehyung's mouth naturally as he saw Jungkook turning his head towards him with an embarrassed smile.

"Y-yeah.It looks really nice." Jungkook's eyes lit up as he nodded his head while speaking.

"Thank you.Would you like to come inside?" Taehyung opened the door a bit wider while he asked the question.

"Sure." Jungkook passed the man a smile before entering the house.He took off his shoes near the door and then followed Taehyung who walked further inside the house.Jungkook's curious eyes took in the interior of the house as he kept walking, mentally praising Taehyung for the way he decorated the insides of the house.A few paintings and art pieces definitely enhanced the beauty of the place.Though the house wasn't that big, it could be seen that it was more than enough for four to five people to fit inside.

"Your house is really pretty!" Those words left Jungkook's mouth even before he could realize it.

"I'm glad that you think so." Came the reply which made Jungkook halt on his steps.

Did he say it out loud!

"C'mon, take a seat.You don't want to just stand there like a wide-eyed statue now; Do you?" Taehyung chuckled, noticing how Jungkook tends to freeze on his spot a lot, especially when he says something.

Jungkook flushed red, hearing the man's words.Why does he keep embarrassing himself in front of Taehyung this much, he couldn't help but wonder.He slowly walked towards the couch and sat down, trying to act normal after a few seconds.

The day has just started and here you go...

"Jungkook, do you want something to drink?Tea?Coffee?Or whatever..." Taehyung also sat down beside the very red looking boy and asked, trying to make the other feel at ease.

He shouldn't have teased the boy.

"W-water please." Taehyung mentally cooed at the response he got from the boy but decided not to say anything which could embarrass the other further.

"You've come here for the first time.So water isn't an option unless you feel thirsty.Just tell me, what's your favourite drink?" Taehyung asked the younger, already guessing that the younger must take some more time to relax around him.Not like he minded though.

"B-banana m-milk." Jungkook's voice became smaller than ever while he answered Taehyung with so much hesitancy.He just hoped that Taehyung wouldn't find it childish.

"Well, that's unique.Since I don't have it at home now, give me five to seven minutes.I'll make you some." Taehyung smiled at the nervous looking boy lovingly and flicked his chin before walking off to his kitchen.

"C-can I come with you?" Jungkook asked the elder male, abruptly getting up from his seated position.He didn't want to sit there alone while Taehyung prepares his drink.

"Of course." Taehyung looked back, hearing the boy's voice and passed him a reassuring smile.

At last, the boy asked something without hesitating!


Any tips for their date?
I have something in my mind but still asking you, in case you have some better ideas.

[ Btw, I don't like those expensive arrangements and cliche love type of things, especially for taekook's first dates.So keep it simple :) ]

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