Chapter - 31

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The sound of knuckles softly hitting the surface of the door resonated inside the room which took Taehyung's attention.A fond smile automatically made its way to his plump lips when a certain boy peeked inside the room right after he looked up at the door side.

"May I come in, Professor Kim?"

"You may." Taehyung replied almost immediately, his tone being as playful as the other's.

"So, how did your last paper go?" The man asked, his eyes never leaving the boy who just walked towards him and sat on the table, right in front of the chair where he was seated.

"It was good." Jungkook smiled brightly as he saw Taehyung smiling at him, looking proud.

"You did a great job." Taehyung said while standing up from his sitting position and then closing the distance between them.He was now standing between the boy's legs as he proceeded to kiss his forehead lovingly.The younger male smiled, feeling shy at the elder's gesture.He could feel his cheeks heating up already.

"I missed you!" Jungkook's voice was small when he whispered those words to the man who was now looking down at him with pure admiration.

"I missed you too!" The elder replied before he leaned in and pecked the boy's lips whose cheeks turned pinkish, feeling millions of butterflies inside his stomach.

Well, after that day of Jungkook's visit to Taehyung's house, this was the first time they're meeting each other.You see, Jungkook caught a fever from the very next day of his visit to the elder male.It took him a week to get better and the rest of the days, he studied hard to compensate for the week he missed.He didn't have much time left to complete his syllabus after all.To say, he was nervous would be understatement but he somehow managed to cover everything on time and his papers went well too.

"I'm sorry."

Jungkook frowned when he heard those words coming out of Taehyung's mouth all of a sudden.He didn't like how Taehyung was wearing that look of guilt on his face while letting those words out.

"Hyung, you don't have to..."

"I have to.I shouldn't have kissed you that day."

"Hyu- ...."

"Only because of my recklessness, you caught a fever.Only because of my mistake, you lost one whole week from you preparation time.I can't help but feel bad about making you sick at such a crucial time period.It was your finals after all." Taehyung didn't let the boy protest and finally let out what has been eating him from the inside for the last few weeks.He was feeling way too guilty to keep everything to himself.

"Hyung, it doesn't matter now; Does it?Things like this happens in normal people's lives.Though I fell sick, I recovered on time and could complete my syllabus as well.Even each one of my paper went really good.So please, stop thinking about that one incident.You weren't the only one who kissed me that day.I-I kissed you back too a-and I don't regret i-it." Jungkook didn't like the way Taehyung was blaming himself.So he tried his best to let the elder know that he didn't regret their kiss from that day.Hell, he could never regret something when it comes from the elder male.

All the while Jungkook talked, Taehyung was staring at him with heart eyes.He wondered what good work did he do to deserve the boy as his lover because clearly, the way Jungkook thinks or talks out things is really different from the other kids of his age.The boy was young but his way of thinking was impressively matured.One of the reasons why Taehyung keeps falling for him more and more with every passing day!

"...Also, I don't like the way you keep blaming yourself for kissing me and then calling our kiss a mistake."

Jungkook's voice was smaller this time but it did snap Taehyung out of his thoughts.His eyes widened a little as he realised what the boy just told.

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