Chapter - 22

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Jungkook's breath hitched as soon as that word entered his eardrums.His crying came to a halt abruptly but his lips wobbled like trembling leaves when he realised exactly how Taehyung adressed him.


His baby!

More tears left Jungkook's eyes as he slowly looked up at the man, those overwhelming, forbidden emotions running errands inside him.

"B-baby?" The word escaped Jungkook's mouth automatically as he stared at Taehyung with pure confusion.His voice was barely above a whisper but looks like, Taehyung already heard him.Because the elder male looked down at him with slightly wide eyes as soon as the word left his mouth.

Taehyung felt his throat becoming dry as finally the reality dawned upon him.Did he just call Jungkook with that nickname?The professor gulped hard, feeling nervous all of a sudden.Even though he was aware of Jungkook's romantic feelings towards him, still he couldn't help but get anxious.Not knowing how to respond to Jungkook, he looked down only to see the boy gazing at him, looking lost, just like a deer caught in the headlights.

Wrong decision.

Now that Taehyung noticed how Jungkook was looking at him, he felt his self-restraint slipping away little by little.If he was being honest, Jungkook was looking way too pretty at the moment.Those fat tear stains on his cheeks, that button nose the tip of which turned pink because of all the crying, needless to say, those beauty spots scattered around that beautiful face.....everything, literally everything about Jeon Jungkook pointed towards only one conclusion - Jungkook indeed is the most beautiful person Taehyung has ever seen in his entire life!

Unbeknownst to Taehyung, his hands raised themselves on their own and cupped Jungkook's face.He then wiped the remaining tears on the boy's cheeks with the pads of his thumbs in a gentle manner.The corners of his lips slightly curved upwards when he saw Jungkook closing his eyes while leaning into his touch.

It felt ecstatic!

Nothing else mattered to Taehyung at that moment.He could focus only on the boy who had his eyes closed, looking prettier than the prettiests.A frown took place between Taehyung's eyebrows when he saw how the boy's incisors peeked out of his lips and bit his lower lips hard, enough to make it bleed.

Jungkook was nervous....

"Don't." Taehyung's voice came out as a mere whisper as the thumb of his right hand freed the boy's abused lip from those sharp teeth before it could draw out blood.

Jungkook who didn't know what was happening around him anymore, felt dizzy when he felt Taehyung's thumb caressing his lower lip gently.The touch was featherlike but it only made Jungkook's whole being tremble under it.A soundless gasp left his mouth when he felt the warmth of the thumb spreading to his upper lip as well.

It was too much!


The aforementioned male opened his eyes slowly when he heard his name being called in such a way.He felt like melting when he heard his favourite voice calling him by his name so smoothly.It made all his right senses dissappear.The only one he could think of was Taehyung, he could hear only Taehyung, nothing else....

Jungkook's eyes were becoming hazy as he looked at the elder male who was gazing at him with something in his eyes, something Jungkook couldn't really decipher.All he could understand at the moment was that Taehyung was there and the distance between them was decreasing slowly.His heartbeat went violent when Taehyung's face stopped only a few centimeters away from his.They were too close that he could clearly feel the man's hot breath on his skin.

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