Chapter - 17

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Taehyung's facial expressions turned blank as he stared at the giggling boy for some time.It irked him, seeing Jungkook turning into a giggling mess just because he remembered someone.

"Who are you talking about?" He didn't even realise when his mouth worked on its own and voiced out what he was thinking at the moment.

"H-huh?" Jungkook asked while rubbing his Adam's apple with the right palm, a failed attempt to stop the hiccups.

"Who does that too?" Taehyung asked again, not being able to admire how cute the boy was looking at the moment.His head was too occupied to do so.

"I-I'm taking a-about him who s-stole m-my heart at the v-very first s-sight." Jungkook did answer after some time but the man who was standing in front of him, still waiting for his answer wasn't ready to hear it.

"Y-you lo-love some.....someone?" After what felt like ages, Taehyung managed to ask, his voice sounding just like a mere whisper.He didn't know how he was feeling after hearing Jungkook's words.He wasn't prepared to hear something like that at all actually.Not being able to contain his overwhelming emotions, Taehyung tried to gulp away the lump that was starting to form in his throat.

This hurts!

"Hmm...I do...s-so m-much." Jungkook who somehow heard the question earlier answered, his face turning gloomy as he spoke.

"W-who is it?" It was getting harder for Taehyung to breathe properly but at the same time, he wanted to know who that lucky person was to steal Jungkook's heart, that too at the very first sight.

"I-it doesn't matter.H-He already l-loves someone e-else." Jungkook's lips wobbled while muttering those words.The feeling of losing his first love even before getting a chance hurt him in his drunken state too.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's whole attention went to the boy who was now sobbing, trying to wipe his tears away messily.After hearing what the boy just said, a ray of hope automatically entered the elder male's heart which was on the verge of its breaking point after knowing that Jungkook loved someone else.

Phew...That's a relief!


Was it bad that he was feeling good because the person Jungkook loves, loves someone else?

"Hey, don't cry.He's an idiot to lose you." Taehyung spoke up with a soft tone as he stepped near Jungkook and wiped his tears gently.No matter what, he couldn't see tears in the younger's eyes.

"W-why you sound like h-him?" Jungkook blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to have a clear vision as he let the stranger with the very familiar voice wipe the teardrops from his cheeks.


"Oh my! Y-you're looking l-like him toooooo..." Jungkook gasped dramatically while covering his mouth as he stared at the person in front of him with wide eyes.

Taehyung looked at the boy with a poker face as he tried not to say something he'd regret later.It was one of the hardest moments of his life.His love was right in front of him, looking like the most adorable baby on this earth.But all he was talking about some person he loves, nothing else.


Taehyung was getting jealous of that unknown person now.

"Y-you look e-exactly like h-him...l-like pr-professor Kim..." Jungkook stepped closer to Taehyung as his bambi eyes roamed around his face in awe.

At this point, Jungkook's words made Taehyung shocked to the core.He was too stunned to even speak.He just kept looking at the younger dumbly, not being able to understand what he should feel after knowing who Jungkook loved.

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