Chapter - 34

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"Time flies faster when you spend it with the right people." They say.

It makes sense actually.Because, the
next few weeks after the final exams flew too fast for Jungkook's liking.He didn't even realise how days turned into weeks and boom! Now it's his graduation day today.The boy literally has no idea how his vacation just started and ended as well.

The only answer to his confusion could be somewhat like - it could happen because he spent the days mostly with his parents, boyfriend and of course, his best friend.In the last few weeks, Jungkook got more involved in his father's company works as per his father's suggestion.He even spent time in the kitchen learning new recipes from his mother, a great way to spend his time with the pretty lady.Since he learnt so much on a daily basis, Taehyung had to become the person who he'd rant about everything to.The elder male never once showed disinterest in his talks though.In fact, he'd listen to him with so much attention and sometimes, share his own ideas about those topics.

Other than that, they've went out on several dates in the mean time.They even spent time at Taehyung's place a few times.It went by them watching movies, having long conversations, Jungkook preparing foods that he learnt recently from his mother, needless to say, them making out every chance they get and, they haven't taken the things to the bedroom yet...but it can be said that, their relationship has reached one level up after things happened that day in Taehyung's cabin.

Last but not the least, Jungkook has spent fair share of time with Jimin as well.Both of them went to arcades, to do karaoke and of course, to amusement parks.Turned out, they still enjoy being in the park just like they did back in their childhood days.They even had sleepovers at each other's places where Jungkook kept texting Taehyung most of the times and Jimin slept like he had nothing to worry about.The boy did decide to go on blind dates though because looking at Jungkook's love life, he started feeling a lil bit.He could only hope that he'd find a lover as lovey-dovey as his bestie's professor boyfriend.He deserves it after all...


"Congratulations, Kookie!"

Jungkook who just returned after delivering his graduation speech on the stage broke into a huge smile when he saw the proud look on his parents' faces.He almost ran to them who were already standing there with their arms opened wide and hugged them happily.As usual, the hug was filled with so much love and warmth and Jungkook felt glad to recieve it.He knew, he needed it for what he's going to reveal to his parents soon.

"Where is Jiminie?" Yerim asked after they pulled out of the family hug.Her eyes already started looking for the aforementioned male only to see the boy coming towards them along with his parents.

All of them exchanged greetings before Jimin's parents congratulated Jungkook and both Jongsuk and Yerim did the same with Jimin.They sat there till the ceremony was over and had some chit-chat when Jungkook and Jimin went to click group pictures with all their classmates.While waiting for their sons, they decided to have their lunch together in some restaurant.So they left as soon as the two boys came back from their photo session and joined them.

The lunch went with the two elder couples engaging themselves in 'elderly' talks and both Jimin and Jungkook talking in rather hushed voices.The foods they ordered were really delicious.Therefore, they concentrated on eating for the remaining time.

"It's ok, Kookie.They'll understand you." Jimin whispered to which Jungkook pursed his lips in a thin line.

"But still...I can't help but feel nervous, Chim." Jungkook mumbled as he gulped the food he was chewing in the meantime.

"It'll be alright.Profe-...I mean, Taehyung-ssi will be there with you.So don't worry.I know, he'll take care of everything." Jimin passed the already nervous looking  Jungkook a reassuring smile, wanting the younger to feel a bit at ease.

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