Chapter - 37

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Jungkook's eyes took in the environment of the whole area through the window glass as the speed of Taehyung's car got slower.It was already noon since they took almost four hours to reach the place.If we speak of the usual days, it takes around three hours to reach Daegu from Seoul if one decides to travel by car but due to Taehyung taking two not so short breaks during the whole ride, it took them one hour more.

Continuous hours of driving can be a really draining task at times and Jungkook knew it well.So he did offer to drive half of the distance so that Taehyung could get some rest in between but the elder male didn't let him, saying he could manage.After all, he has been doing this for a long time by now.Moreover, Jungkook might not be familiar with the roads there.So Taehyung told him to enjoy the long drive and that's what Jungkook did!

As they left Seoul, the main city vibe started to fade away little by little.It didn't go away completely but Jungkook who has been born and brought up in Seoul city didn't fail to feel the difference.He kept looking outside the window, his eyes getting wide whenever he spotted anything new.The boy literally sqealed when they entered an area where there was more greenery compared to the other places they've left behind.

"Just a few more minutes and we'll be home."

Jungkook felt a thrilling sensation in his body as soon as he heard Taehyung.The fact that he'd be spending the next few days in this place made him feel happy.What makes him even happier is that Taehyung will be with him the whole time.

Can he ask for anything more

He doesn't think so!


"Here we are." Taehyung mumbled before driving inside a huge campus, nodding at the gatekeeper who opened the gate for his car, in an acknowledging manner.

"Wow!" It was the only word, more like a surprised gasp that left Jungkook's mouth when Taehyung finally parked his car.

It was a beautiful two story building, a really huge one.Jungkook couldn't help but gawk at his surrounding with wide eyes while he got out of the car.'In love' is a term that's used in case of having romantic feelings for someone but this was the time Jungkook realized that he was capable of falling in love with a place too!

The very green lawn in front of the house, two not so small gardens adorning the sides of the campus, the fountain in front of the house.....every single thing inside the campus only enhanced the beauty of the house.

"Look! They're here."

A squeal followed by hushed voices startled Jungkook who was still looking around where he stood.His lips formed a fond smile when he noticed who the squeal came from.

It was Hyunjoon, Taehyung's elder brother's four years old son.

"Samchonnnnn!" The boy yelled before jumping on Taehyung who has already scrouched down, his arms opened wide.

"I missed you." The boy whined as soon as Taehyung caught him and stood up with him in his hold.

"Awe!Samchon missed Hyunie too!" Taehyung kissed the boy's cheeks lovingly as he spoke using a rather baby tone.

"Look whom did I bring with me?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at the kid who suddenly looked shy when he met eyes with a smiling Jungkook.

"I-it's Kookiee." The little one mumbled shyly before hiding his face in the crook of his samchon's neck.Well, he has seen Kookie a few times during video calls and he really liked talking to the elder but meeting him in person somehow made him feel shy!

"Won't Hyunie say hi to Kookie?" This time it was Jungkook who spoke up, his heart feeling warm from the beautiful sight of Hyunjoon in Taehyung's arms.

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