Chapter - 7

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For Jungkook, the next day arrived sooner than the usual days.He got out of his bed when he finally saw the sunlight peaking through the still closed curtains of the room.

He felt tired!

Even after trying hard, he couldn't get any sleep.He was feeling restless throughout the night.The thoughts of him having forbidden feelings for his professor and then the professor telling him to work on his project with him being by his side, all of it was scaring Jungkook.He can't just think straight anymore.

From the last few weeks, he was already enough tensed with all the tangled up feelings inside him.He was trying hard to not think about Taehyung the way he shouldn't but the situation turned all the tables against him now.

It was like, Jungkook was standing in the middle of a whirlpool of overwhelming emotions and he couldn't do anything except standing there silently and letting all the emotions get the best of him.The fear of getting caught by Taehyung or anyone for that matter for having undeniable feelings for the said professor was killing him inside.

What will Taehyung think?

What will his parents think???

And those students.....

Even worse....the society!!!!

Jungkook rubbed his face harshly as if it'll lessen the heavy feeling in his chest.Heaving a deep sigh, he decided to do his morning routine to distract himself a bit but who is he kidding?The feeling, the feeling of being a sinner didn't leave him for once.

With a heavy heart and lots of thoughts running around his mind, Jungkook got out of the shower.He chose a plain black shirt with black trousers, knowing he needed to wear something comfortable since he'd be sitting and working on his project for hours straight.Once he was done wearing his clothes, he set his hair by parting them in the right side.

Before going out of the room, Jungkook observed how he looked in the mirror only to see the creases on his forehead along with the big, tired looking eyes which seemed staring back at him.His look made it obvious that he was anxious.So he did what he thought would be right.He ruffled his hair which now covered his forehead perfectly, some fringes covered a bit of his eyes too.

Finally he was looking normal.

Jungkook took a deep breath and left his room afterwards, knowing that his head will only give him more reasons to not go to the university today.A smile automatically found its way to Jungkook's lips when he saw his father reading the newspaper in the living room.He greeted the man and went to the dining area.He could already hear sounds of cutlaries from the kitchen.

"Eomma, I'm- ........"

"The food is ready. Let me just serve it." Came the reply from his mother even before he could complete his sentence.

Soon Jungkook found himself having delicious pancakes along with a glass of banana milk.Though he wasn't feeling like eating at the moment, he couldn't say no to his mother again.Also, he knew how much scolding he'd get if he skips breakfast again.

"Why Jimin-ah isn't here yet?" Yerim asked as she watched her son washing his hands.

"We're going to work on our projects now.So Jimin must be with his project partner right now." Jungkook replied, drying his hands on the towel which was kept near the kitchen sink.

"I see!" Yerim nodded her head in understatement and Jungkook couldn't be more grateful to her for not asking more about the project.If she would ask him about his project, she'd definitely know that something related to it was bothering him and if he would be asked about it, there's no way he could lie to his mother.

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