Chapter - 19

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"What happened yesterday?"

"Why can't I remember anything after I came out of the club?"

Jungkook asked himself for the n-th time as he stood under the shower, letting the coldness of the water wash away his remaining sleepiness.

Well, today, he woke up having a slight headache which lead him to remember how he accidentally drank something alcoholic at the club the night before.He tried to think hard but remembered nothing except him running away from Taehyung who was trying to help him to stand still.

Was Taehyung able to find him?

Did Taehyung drop him off at home?

What was Taehyung even thinking about him after finding him at some club, that too after him lying about having some important work previously?

What if.....

If it wasn't for Jimin who burst into his room abruptly, he'd still probably be over thinking about his current situation, about whether Taehyung found him I'm his wasted state or not.

"First of all, thank you for retrieving my darling dear phone for me and second of all, you shouldn't get drunk when you go somewhere alone, not when you become a totally different person when alcohol affects your system.It was so lucky of you that I went to the club to search for my phone and found you in a totally wasted state." The elder male said even before he could ask him something.

Not gonna lie, Jungkook did feel relieved after Jimin told him that he was the one who took him home but still he had doubts.He felt like something happened outside the club, something he should've remembered but it can be in his head too right?Jimin won't just lie to him like that.He was also relieved when he got to know that his parents still weren't home when Jimin took him home.The elder also said how he and Hoseok left right after making him lay on the bed comfortably as they didn't want to be questioned by Jungkook's parents at that moment.

Jimin left soon though but not before Jungkook scolding him for being careless.After the elder was gone, Jungkook thought of freshening up as he was still wearing the t-shirt and the jeans from the previous night.Looks like, Jimin only removed his shoes and the jacket before leaving.Nonetheless, Jungkook found himself in the bathroom within the next few minutes.He brushed his teeth, did his morning routine and lastly stood under the shower, trying not to pry into whatever might've happened the previous night.

If something important has happened, Jimin would've told him right?

Yeah, right.

Heaving a sigh, Jungkook closed his eyes and just felt the water drops on his body.It calmed his mind for the time being and that's it.He was fine.


"You could've told us why you left so suddenly you know.We were really worried for you." Jin pursed his lips in a thin line as he glared at a smiling Taehyung.If it wasn't for Namjoon who had him wrapped in a side hug, he'd love to slap that stupid smile off of the younger's face.

"Sorry, hyungs.The situation didn't let me." Taehyung mumbled, scratching his nape with a sheepish smile which spread to the other two males in the room very soon.

Well, when he was done having his breakfast after getting ready for the university, his hyungs decided to show up at his door, uninvited.The moment he opened the door for them, Jin was ready to beat him up because apparently, Taehyung didn't call them after reaching home and the two elders kept worrying for him, thinking about what urgency made him leave the club the night before.It was hard but Taehyung somehow managed to explain whatever happened yesterday night to his hyungs.Of course, Jin was still being a bit salty over him for making them worried for nothing but when he saw how happy Taehyung looked, he couldn't help but smile in happiness.

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