Seeing You Fight

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Eddie is actually in shock at first, he isn't that much of a fan for confrontation, so he's a little flabbergasted by you jumping in to a fight. As soon as he sees you fight, he'll freak out and contemplate helping you or leaving you be. However he sees you hold your own and then his shock turns to lust and being impressed, he'll smugly watch, though on the inside he's worried, as you fight. If it gets bad he'll definitely step in and defend you. When it's over he'll check if you're okay, his worry finally coming out, before he compliments how well you did and how turned on he is. You'll both laugh and he'll take you back to his place to clean you up.

Steve immediately steps in, trying to bring the peace and hold you back, but if that doesn't work he'll defend you. If he's unable to defend you, he'll watch from the sidelines in bewilderment, wondering where the hell you learnt this since you're not aggressive at all. He'll also be impressed and a little happy for you to finally be in on the action. After he's such a mother hen and will baby you, cleaning you up and covering for you if you get into trouble.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now