Eddie- Strings (SMUT)

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"I can't do it" You laugh as you sit between Eddie's legs on the floor of his bedroom, one of his old guitars sits on your lap as Eddie's legs surround your body.

His hands come up over yours, trying to guide yours to pluck and hold the strings correctly.

"You can, just focus" He smiles, kissing your neck as you fail miserably, the sounds coming from the guitar sounding terrible.

"Come on, just put your finger here," Eddie mumbles, directing your hand, the tension grows thick as you look over your shoulder at him.

"You're not concentrating" He murmurs, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hand, making you breathless.

"I am" You breathily say, even though you definitely aren't.

One of Eddie's hands trails from where it rests on your thigh, up and up under your skirt, and between your inner thighs, teasing as he strokes.

"Eddie-" You gasp, your head lolling back onto his shoulder.

"Focus sweetheart" He smirks, his other hand still guides yours to pluck the strings.

"You've got to pluck the right pressure" He murmurs, kissing your neck as his hand finally rubs over your sensitive area, you're getting wetter by the second.

"And you have to be careful about the tension" He continues casually, even as two fingers enter you.

You moan out, bringing your knees up higher to give him better access.

"Keep practicing" He mumbles in your ear, nipping at your earlobe.

His fingers continue to pump in and out, then he adds a third which makes you completely at his mercy.

"Eddie, I can't-" You moan, the guitar slips slowly onto the floor, a soft thump as you arch your back into Eddie.

"Can't what, sweetheart?" He coos, hjs fingers steadily hitting all the right spots with those damn guitar fingers.

You answer with louder moans, and Eddie's legs tighten around you, he's feeling it too.

"Keep going, please" You breathily whine, as Eddie's fingers finally hit that perfect spot.

The sensation builds and you can't take it anymore, with a final moan you come over Eddie's hand, blushing at the situation, yet still aroused.

"Good girl" Eddie smirks, removing his fingers and grabbing his bandana, wiping your juices away with a satisfaction.

"My turn" You smirk, feeling his hardness agasint your back, you turn around and push him to the floor, undoing his belt and releasing him, before taking his thickness into your hands.

"Shit" He groans, almost there already after helping you out. You keep pumping him, even as his breaths get shorter and he moans.

"Am I doing okay?" You ask, biting your lip as Eddie is more experienced than you.

"You can't go wrong sweetheart" He gasps as you twist your wrist.

His body arches as he comes onto your hand, moaning your name as he does.

He looks up at you and you both laugh, not expecting this innocent time to turn so...not.

You grab his bandana from earlier and clean up, as Eddie sits up and draws you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"That was fun" He mumbles with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I want more guitar lessons in the future Munson" You smile.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now