Eddie- Partners In Crime

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"Come on sweetheart, I know you've got a little rebellion in you" Eddie teases as he beckons you over to the car parked in the trailer park.

You stand still, eyes darting around in the dark as Eddie waits for your reply. Finally, you sigh and nod, quickly walking to the car next to Eddie.

"Keep an eye out for trouble whilst I just get her started, won't you?" He asks rhetorically as your eyes widen. This is most definitely not what you thought Eddie meant by "Let's have some fun Friday night".

The darkness makes it hard to see, but luckily the clouds part long enough for the moonlight to shine down, lighting up the car and a small distance around you.

"Get it!" Eddie calls as the engine splutters to life.

"Oh my God" You shriek, running to the passenger door and throwing yourself into the stolen car.

"Seatbelt sweetheart" Eddie smiles, revving the engine as he speeds off onto the main road.

Adrenaline courses through you as the speedometer reaches over 50, a nervous yet excited giggle escapes your lips, and Eddie gives you a toothy smile.

Eddie pulls a cassette out of his denim vest and puts it in the radio as Metallica's Seek and Destroy plays, Hawkins goes by in a blur as you both laugh and whoop.

"So who's car is this?" You finally ask as reality begins to hit. Eddie's smile dims before he replies "It's my uncles boss'  car, he apparently wants to cut down the workforce at the plant".

You mouth an "Oh" as Eddie continues "But if he wants to get to work tomorrow morning, he's gonna have to ask my uncle, which means boss man owes Wayne, and what better way than to keep him at the plant"

You nod at Eddie's weirdly thought out plan, as he turns off of the road, heading to his dealers cabin.

"We're gonna have to lie low for a few hours" Eddie mumbles, reaching for your hand and kissing the back of it.

"You know, I didn't think you'd actually let me go through with this" Eddie admits as he turns the car off and you're both confined to the silence once more.

You turn in your seat to look at him, "What?"

Eddie shrugs "I wasn't sure if you'd come with me, or stop me. To be honest I didn't think you'd stick around once you knew who I was, I mean I'm a Munson after all".

You shake your head and cup his face in your hands, "Okay, so yeah you've made a questionable decision, but for a good reason, right?".

Eddie nods.

"So the way I see it, you're not a bad person, if anything you're doing your uncle a favour by messing with that asshole" you smile.

Eddie's arms suddenly pull you onto his lap, wrapping around your body as his mouth meets yours in a frenzy, you tilt your head to deepen the kiss as he groans, both of you making out until the car steams up.

"You're my little partner in crime sweetheart" Eddie mumbles as he helps you out of the car, wrapping an arm around your waist as you both head to the cabin.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now