Eddie- This Isn't Real

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I decide to go completely cold turkey on Eddie and avoid him as much as I can. Doubt has been clouding my mind lately, I've tricked myself into thinking I'm not good enough and how Eddie isn only with me for pity or just fun.

During class Eddie passes me a note saying we should hang out at his place. I read the note and contemplate the idea, at least this way I can talk to him privately and end things before he can hurt me. I turn around in my seat and nod, and Eddie gives me a dimpled grin.

As usual, Eddie drives us back to his place and we sit in his room, listening to his mixtapes as I do my homework, Eddie just lounges behind me, scribbling notes for his DnD campaigns.

A couple of hours pass when Eddie finally caves and leans behind me, tucking my hair out of my face and kissing my neck.

I would usually smile, but my thoughts once again drift to the idea that he doesn't actually want a relationship, just the fun. So I lean away and stand up, crossing my arms.

Eddie's face quickly drops from being happy to being concerned.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head as tears spring in my eyes. This is so much harder than I thought.

"This isn't real, is it?" I whisper, avoiding his eyes.

Eddie looks at me for a moment before he stands up and walks closer to me, he doesn't stop until I'm backed against the wall. I still refuse to meet his eyes.

His ringed hand comes up and cups my face, tilting my head up so I have no choice but to finally confront him. His brown eyes are wide and worried.

"Do I seem like I don't want you?" Eddie asks softly. I stay quiet.

He "Hmms" before leaning down and gently pressing a kiss to my lips, careful at first but he soon forces my mouth open and devours me with a few sweeps of his tongue.

He leans back and mumbles agasint my lips "Did that feel real enough?". I still stay quiet as I try to control my breathing.

He tilts his head as a small smile tilts his lips, and he leans down even more where his lips meet my neck, just where my sweet spot is and I can't help but to let out a small whimper as he leaves a mark. His arms come around my body as he tugs me towards him, they trail down until they cup my ass and give it a small squeeze. My legs go weak and I feel Eddie's mouth curve into a smirk.

"Does my touch feel real enough for you now sweetheart?" Eddie murmurs.

"I don't know." I finally whimper, no longer feeling as much doubt as before.

Suddenly Eddie picks me up and I have no choice but to wrap my arms and legs around him as he rises to his gull height. I cling on to him like a koala as he carries me back to his bed, placing me down at the end of it in a sitting position.

Eddie leans down and gets to his knees as both of his hands cup my face, he leans forward as he says with certainty "I love you, don't ever doubt that this isn't real,"

I nod, smiling a little from the reassurance.

"We're the realest thing in this shitshow of a town" He continues as he presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you too Eddie" I mumble, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him up so he can lay on me, the weight of him squashing my uncertainty.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now