Steve- I Need You To Hate Me

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"Nerd alert" Your ex, Steve shouts to his friends, who all laugh as you walk past, juggling a mountain of books. You blush as you get to your locker, which happens to be right next to Steve's.

The bell rings for class, and the hallway begins to empty as you rush around, trying to find your history textbook.

"Looking for this?" Steve smugly asks holding your book as his friends beckon him to "Come on". He waves them off as it just becomes you and Steve in the open space.

You take a breath, gathering the courage to finally stick up for yourself, it's easier when it's just him.

"Look Harrington, can you just fuck off" You say with more confidence than you feel.

His eyes widen and for a minute he looks hurt, but then he grins and starts laughing.

You feel so belittled by him, so humiliated, and your anger gets the better or you. Your hand forms a first and you punch Steve across the face with more force than you intended.

"Oh my God" You whimper, holding your hand to your chest as you back away, instantly regretting it. Though it did feel good a little.

Steve uses his thumb to wipe the blood away from his lip, silently staring at you.

You turn around and walk away, hoping to get away without being caught, when Steve's hand clamps around your arm, spinning you around to face him.

Tears spring to your eyes as fear takes over, "Why do you hate me so much, is it because I broke up with you?".

Steve looks like he might cry too, his face scrunched up and he drops his forehead onto your shoulder. You tense up as confusion clouds your mind.

"I need you to hate me" He whispers, voice thick with tears as he looks up at you.

"Why?" You shake your head, bamboozled.

"Because I'm not strong enough to pull away from you" He mumbles, regret crosses his face as his hand comes up and cups your cheek.

"I don't hate you" You whisper, hating that it's true. "You're a dick and I really should, but I could never hate you"

Steve shakes his head at you, before crashing his lips to yours with such force your back hits the lockers, you groan from the pain and pleasure, kissing him back with the same intensity.

"We're not over" He mumbles, pulling you into a nearby bathroom.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now