Going To A Dance Together

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Eddie is very set on not going, it's a waste of time and only the 'cool' kids attend the damn thing, he'd much rather spend the evening with you or with the Hellfire Club on their final campaign. However you insist on going, even if he doesn't come with you. When Eddie comes over to your house and sees you dressed up, his gaze travels from your shoes slowly along your body and finally up to your eyes. He's breathless and smiles at you, not knowing what to say. You smile back and he tells you that you look like a badass, since that's the only thing he can think of. You both take some photos, even though Eddie isn't dressed in finery like yourself, however he can't deny his black ripped jeans and Hellfire tee look pretty pleasing to the eyes. He drives you to the dance, helping you out and taking an official photo with you before he says goodbye, you ask him to pick you up in a couple of hours as you spot your friends, and he agrees, giving you one last possessive kiss and sneakily putting his guitar pick necklace on you, so everyone knows your his. When he picks you up, you're tired and fall asleep in his van, Eddie smiles at your sleeping form, glad you had a good night and carries you to his room when you get back to his trailer, tucking you into his blankets and kissing you on the forehead, saying "Goodnight sweetheart".

Steve asks you to the dance nervously, he rambles about how it would be cool if you went with him to look after things and keep him entertained whilst he serves drinks and helps out. You laugh and tell him you're already a helper, so you'll be attending anyway. You both agree on a time and when he comes to pick you up, your parents answer the door. They're impressed with Steve and like his charm. When you come down the stairs Steve keeps saying "wow" to himself, wide eyes taking in your gorgeous appearance. He helps you down the last step as your parents insist on taking some photos, you deny but Steve's happy to do so, so you both pose and smile. Steve woos your parents and says he'll have you home by 9. He helps you into his car and you both go to the dance. You get a lot of looks from the other girls, but Steve tells you not to worry. You both spend the night serving drinks to the kids and laughing. Steve dances with you a few times and takes you home, giving you a sneaky kiss in the car and admitting he had fun.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now