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When the boat is far enough into the lake, Eddie begins to try the engine, pulling at the wire to start the motor.

It does a few splutters, but nothing happens. Eddie gives you a panicked look before trying again, more desperate this time.

"Come on, come on, come on you piece of shit!" He shouts, just as Jason and his friends walk onto the shore.

"Eddie!" You nervously shout, keeping an eye on Jason.

"I see him!" Eddie says, still trying the engine.

Jason begins removing his shoes and jumper, before diving into the lake.

"Shit, he's coming" You shout, grabbing an oar and beginning to try and paddle, Eddie joins you, as you both paddle for your lives.

Fear finally grips you and you stop paddling, seeing Jason swim faster and faster his buddies not far behind.

"Y/N what are you doing?" Eddie asks rhetorically, his voice laced with fear and confusion.

Jason finally gets close enough, but you see his friend stop, looking around at nothing.

"I'm gonna kill you Freak!" Jason shouts, "and your little freak girlfriend is gonna watch, feeling the same pain I am".

Eddie's fear now turns into anger as he stops paddling and pushes you behind him, keeping one arm outstretched to protect you.

Jason swims closer as Eddie steps back, almost knocking you out of the boat.

But you're still staring at Jason's friend, a look of pure fear on his face as his eyes dart around. That dark feeling comes back, like anticipation but somehow not quite.

"Eddie" You mumble, grabbing his hand but he makes no move, "Eddie!" You say louder, your voice trembling.

He finally turns to you and sees your face, pale and pure terror, his eyes widen and fear crosses his own.

All of a sudden, Jason's friend lifts into the air, his bones snap and the sound echoes into the night, along with yours and Eddie's screams of pure terror. Eddie stands back but you fall out of the boat, dragging him along with you.

The lake water is cold and you splash into the darkness, rising up and taking a gulp of precious oxygen.

"Y/N!" Eddie shouts, meters away from you, he sees you immediately and swims towards you, his arms feeling you body and checking you're still in one piece.

"We need to get out of here!" You say, teeth chattering. Eddie nods and swims back to the boat as Jason drags his friend back to the shore.

With help from Eddie, you climb back onto the boat, shivering and soaked. In silence Eddie uses oars to paddle to the other side of the lake, away from the boathouse and Jason.

It doesn't take long, and as soon as you both reach the shore, you leap out of the  boat, grasping the grass for dear life, the shock finally catching up to you.

Eddie's arms wrap around you as you both kneel, facing each other, your hands pull his head towards yours, both of you breathing each other in.

"Are you okay?" Eddie stupidly asks, wincing at his own question.

You can't answer, so instead a laugh bubbles up and rips out of you.

"Er, okay" Eddie mumbles, looking at you as if you're crazy. Maybe you are.

"I'm sorry, its not funny" you say, laughing manically and doubling over, "I laugh when I'm breaking down, apparently it took a third murder to do that".

Eddie nods, and a laugh of his own comes out, making you giggle even more.

In the end you're both laying side by side on the shore, hands clinging together as the laughter fades away and reality hits again, watching the stars and wondering if Jason's friend is now watching you from above.

The thought comforts and scares you at the same time.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now