Eddie- Take It Out On Me

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You're beyond pissed, angry at everyone and everything, and rightfully so. Eddie can see you're hurting and the usual comfort won't work in this situation.

He watches as you pull at your hair, shout many expletives, but the final straw is when you punch something. Tears fill your vision as your fist collides with it, knuckles cut and there will definitely be a bruise.

You go for another punch but Eddie stops you, grabbing your hands and forcing you to stop, pleading with you with his eyes. You go to push him back, but instead he pulls you towards him, holding you against him as you finally sob, falling to the floor.

"Shhh it's okay Sweetheart, I'm here," he says whilst squeezing you, his chin resting on top of your head. You make a noise of refusal, not allowing yourself his comfort.

"Take it out on me if you have to, but don't hurt yourself" He says, his voice breaking as you let out another sob, leaning agasint him on the floor.

"You should leave me" you cry, leaning back as tears fall down. Eddie's face crumbles and he shakes his head, his hand cups your face as his thumb brushes your tears away.

"The only way I'm leaving you is when I'm dead" Eddie says, with a staggered intake of breath.

"God, I love you so much Munson," you say, as Eddie kisses your forehead, "I'm sorry".

"I love you too, now let's get that hand of yours cleaned up before we have to cut it off" Eddie jokes, giving you a watery smile.

You nod, and give him one back, quickly stopping him before he gets up, and kissing his mouth like it's your lifeline. He kisses you back with the same ferocity, pulling your hair slightly which makes you moan a little.

"C'mon Rocky" Eddie jokes, pulling you up a few minutes later.

You stand on weak legs, mostly from the swoon worthy kisses, and take Eddie's hand.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now