Eddie- Drunken Rememberances ♡

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TW: Being sick

I quickly rush to the bathroom, holding a hand over my mouth as the alcohol threatens to come up.

I kick the door shut just in time as I lean over the toilet and vomit, my body trembles as I gag, my head feels like its about to explode.

There's a knock on the door, but I'm too busy to reply. A moment later it's more urgent, but I gag again before I can tell whoever it is to go away.

Suddenly the door opens and closes, but another round of vomit stops me. A warm body crouches behind me and grabs my hair gently, pulling it away from my face as I cling onto the toilet bowl, a large hand rubs my back as I dry heave.

"Get it all out sweetheart" a familiar voice softly mumbles, soothing me.

"Go away" I manage to weakly say, wiping my mouth with nearby toilet roll.

"I don't think so" Eddie chuckles, settling back as I sit down on the tiled floor. The sound of the party downstairs breaks the awkward silence.

"Shit" I grumble, squinting at the light as I feel my body fall back. Arms wrap around me to stop me from hitting the floor, and Eddie sits me up between his legs as he leans against the wall, my body rests against his chest.

"Yeah, you're gonna feel this tomorrow alright" He murmurs, tucking my hair away from my face as I groan.

"Leave me alone" I slur, but I don't really mean it.

"You need someone to look after you right now and I doubt your shitty friends have even noticed you're missing," Eddie says sighing, "so let me take care of you and you can shout at me for it tomorrow, 'kay?" He asks.

I reluctantly nod, and Eddie's body relaxes slightly.

"Why'd you drink so much sweetheart, you never used to drink when we were together?" He asks as I close my eyes and nestle into his warmth.

"I don't know" I quietly admit.

"Okay, that's okay" He nods, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing.

"I missed you" I mumble, and Eddie stiffens.

"You did?"

I nod, "I was so stupid to end things with you just because you did things I didn't."

"No, it's okay, you were right, I do drink and smoke too much" He sighs, stroking my hair as I inhale his scent. God I've missed him.

"I've missed you too sweetheart" Eddie mumbles into my hair, and I smile like an idiot.

"We still have another thing to sort out though..." Eddie drawls.

I groan and shake my head.

"Yeah, I still need to get you out of here, can you walk or do you want me to carry you?" Eddie asks, leaning forward as the world begins to spin.

"Ravish me" I laugh.

Eddie sighs and laughs, "Yeah well, let's get you home". Eddie somehow gets up as the world fades in and out of focus, one minute I'm in the bathroom and the next Eddie's placing me in the passenger seat of his van, draping his jacket over me. Then he's tucking me into bed and smiling at my confused state, laying pills and water beside me.

"I really hope you remember all this sweetheart." Eddie smiles, kissing my forehead before leaving.

In the morning, I wake with a massive headache, and a complete blackout of what happened. I look at the paracetamol and suddenly remember Eddie helping me, I smile to myself as I start thinking of what to say when I ask him out again.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now