When They Realise They Love You

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You're both cheering outside of Hawkins High from a massively successful D&D game, jumping up and down, whilst the other students give you were looks. You run away, fist bumping the air and high fiving Dustin, the biggest grin on your face, and Eddie just knows. He knows you're the love of his life, that he would do anything for you. You turn and look at him, and find he's staring at you absolutely awe struck, before he shakes his head and comes running towards you, picking you up and spinning you around making growling noises, making you laugh even more.

For Steve it just gradually creeps up on him, he speeds more time with you than anyone else, and he always calls every night to find out how your day was. When you help him 'babysit' the kids, seeing you fiercely protective over them, he realises you're the one he's been waiting for. He tilts his head as he figures this out, until you come up to him and flick his nose, asking where he went off to, he shakes his head and smiles at you, tucking your hsir behind your ear and giving you a quick peck, all the kids groan and make vomit noises.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now