Steve- Enemy No More

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Rain pours down as pure adrenaline forces you to keep going, down the neighbourhood streets and over the fence, until finally you make it down the driveway.

You knock on your Steve's door, knowing he's home alone, your energy finally runs out as your legs give in, falling to the ground and slumping against the wall.

The door cracks open, before the familiar deep voice you've come to hate mutters a "Shit!". You and Steve haven't always seen eye to eye, you both often argue since you live down the street and he sometimes helps your mom out with garden things, but you used to be best friends in childhood.

You whimper as he picks you up bridal style, your body bruised and battered, bleeding from numerous scrapes from a fight you had with some jocks who were bullying a kid. "I'm sorry, I had nowhere else to go" You moan.

"Shhh, it's okay" He coos, holding you tighter as he kicks the door shut behind him and takes out into the bathroom.

It's a big bathroom, with a massive claw tub and a long counter, mostly empty aside from a few hair products and colognes. He places you gently on the counter as you fall back agasint the large mirrored wall.

He rushes through the cabinets, searching for bandages and something to clean your cuts.

He comes back, cupping your face as worry fills his face, but his voice is hard as he says "Who did this to you?"

You shake your head, the jocks already dealt with, but they still managed to hurt you in the process, and you couldn't go home like this.

He begins cleaning yours cuts, starting on your arms before moving on to your face.

"This is going to sting" He apologises, tilting your head and cleaning the massive cut on your forehead. You hiss at the pain as you finally make eye contact.

"Why is it everytime we see each other it's never for a good reason" He asks softly. You lick your dry lips and shrug as he places a plaster on your head.

"Because you're fancy Steve Harrington and I'm just me" You joke, a small smile pulls the corner of your lips.

He doesn't smile back though, instead he leans forward and carefully presses his forehead to yours, avoiding the cut.

"You're more important than you realise" He mumbles, tucking a lose strand of hair behind your ear.

You scoff, "Compared to you? I'm not Hawkins royalty, nobody knows me"

"I do, I know you better than anyone"

Your eyes widen at his statement, and you can't help but to stare into those magnetic eyes, his lips only inches from yours.

"I know you still read them cheesy romance books but act tough on the outside, I know you hide yourself away so you can't disappoint anyone, and I know you could have been more popular if you'd just stopped hiding from the world"

You lean forward a tiny amount, "Why do you even care Steve?"

He rolls his eyes, giving you an answer in the form of a heated kiss, his mouth claiming yours with a fiery passion, his arms bring you forward, on the edge of the counter as you wrap your legs around him, wanting him to consume you like oxygen.

"You shouldn't do this" You gasp as his lips find your neck.

He laughs in a low tone, "I don't care what people think, I'm done pretending to be someone I'm not, I like you and I have for a while, so just give me one chance, that's all I need"

"One chance Harrington"  You say, not wanting to admit that you are madly in love with him.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now