Eddie- Driving Downtime

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I carefully shut the trailer door behind me, squinting in the moonlight as I venture my way to my car, even though its past midnight I still insist on going for a drive to clear my anxiety.

The keys jangle in my hands and I finally reach the car, but a voice from the shakes startles me and I let out a squeak.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Eddie mumbles, holding up a hand as the other pulls a lit cigarette from his mouth.

I sigh and pinch my nose, "Shit."

"You've got a mouth on you, huh?" Eddie laughs, but adds "What are you doing out here at this time?"

I give him a pointed look, I hope he can see in the near darkness. "What am I doing? You're the one sneaking up on me!" I whisper shout.

Eddie shrugs and comes closer to me, dropping his cigarette on the floor and squashing it out with his white shoes.

I sigh, "I'm going for a drive, my head won't stop thinking."

"Studying pretty hard? I thought you'd have better things to to do an a Friday night." Eddie drawls with a smirk.

I shake my head and frown, "Not that kind of thinking, sometimes my head just worries about nothing and it just won't stop." I explain.

Surprisingly Eddie nods, his face turning to a look of understanding, he sighs and walks to the passenger side of the car.

I look at him in confusion and he stares back. "Are we going or are you thinking of ways to murder me, should I be worried Y/N?"

His comment makes me smile a little, and I unlock the car. We both get in and I immediately turn the heaters on, it's a chilly October night, before slowly driving out of the park and onto the main roads.

It's eerie how empty Hawkins seems at rhus hour, yet I love the feeling of being the only one awake, well other than Eddie. It makes me more confident and relaxed, already my mind feels lighter.

Eddie just sits quietly, watching out of the window as I roll my window down and let a slight breeze in.

"But you have the heater on?" Eddie says, looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Yeah, but I like the equality of my body being warm and my head being cold" I smile, and Eddie just laughs at me in a friendly way.

"You know, I get it." Eddie mumbles after a few moments.

I briefly take my eyes away from the straight road to look at him, my silence asking him to expand.

"I mean, sometimes it feels like Hawkins is suffocating, with everyone expecting so much from you, and the stupid box everyone in this town is forced to confirm into, it's bullshit." Eddie says.

I nod, feeling a deep understanding. "Yeah." Is all I can utter.

We drive around for about an hour, occasionally talking about different places that we pass and memories we have, learning more about each other every ten minutes, until I let out a yawn.

"Alright sleeping beauty, I think we should return to the Shire." Eddie mumbles, smiling at me, dimples make him look adorable.

I nod and drive us back to the trailer park, carefully closing the car door to not disturb anyone. Luckily all the lights are still out.

"I guess I'll see you Monday." Eddie murmurs, walking me to the front door.

"Yeah, I guess so" I awkwardly shuffle my feet, staring up at him.

He nods and quickly leans down, kissing my cheek before strutting off into the darkness back to his home.

I smile to myself, before going inside and sneaking back to my bedroom, dreaming of an alternate ending for the night where Eddie and I never came back and we kept driving away, together and happy.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now