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After helping Max deliver a letter to her mom, you all head to the graveyard where Max insists on going, not telling any of you why.

When you get there, Max looks out of the window solemnly, so you give her hand a squeeze for support before getting out of the car.

"I'm doing this on my own" Max tells you all, heading up the hill to where the graves are. You don't like the idea, so you tell her she has five minutes, to which she nods.

You sit on the grass, watching as Lucas speaks to her, watching their interaction and seeing how much he cares for her, your heart warms at their young love. When Max finally goes, Lucas watches her like a hawk, and you're glad she has someone looking out for her.

You begin to think of Eddie, what he's up to and if he's okay, all alone in that boathouse.

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Steve asks, coming to sit next to you.

"What?" You ask, giving him a side eye glare.

"I know that look" Steve smiles, "Trust me, I get it". You see his smile dissipate and notice how he's longing for someone.

"I'm sure your person feels the same wa-" You say, but get interrupted by the strange feeling on the back of your neck.

"Max" You whisper, shooting up and sprinting in her direction, the others close at your heels.

When you reach her, she's sitting cross legged on the grass, her eyes glazed and you know Vecna has her.

"Shit, he's here" You panic.

Dustin runs to Steve's car, using the walkie talkie to see if Nancy and Robin have found out a way to get rid of the curse.

"MUSIC! WE NEED MUSIC!" Dustin cries, carrying Max's Walkman and a variety of cassette tapes.

"What's her favourite?" You ask stressfully.

"Kate Bush" Lucas replies faster than anticipated, rummaging through the pile until he finds it, slamming it into Max's Walkman and putting the headphones over her ears.

Suddenly, as if God himself is pulling, Max lifts into the air, faster than you can grab her.

"MAX!" You all shout.

You can feel the prickle getting weaker, and somehow you know Max is fighting Vecna, his power and presence fading.

"She's running" You tell the others, and Dustin replies "It's because your Cursed too, your linked".

The thought makes you silently panic more.

Max drops all of a sudden, thumping on the grass as your strange feeling dissappears. You all huddle around Max, Lucas pulls her towards him, as Max breathes heavily.

"I'm still here" She repeats.

You loosen a shaky breath and nod, more to reassure yourself than anyone else, grabbing her hand you give her a squeeze, letting her know that you're with her too.

"Who do we play if you need music?" Steve asks, turning to you.

The question shocks you, the thought of needing it scares you, but you swallow your panic before replying;


Dustin gives you a small smile, knowing Eddie's going to love you even more when he finds out you're a fan.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now