Eddie- Graduation Surprise

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AN: This was a requested one, but I changed it a little to be more 'X Reader' (I hope you don't mind!)

You and Eddie are so excited to graduate, he's been so sure that '86 is his year, and with your constant study sessions and support, he's managed to pass everything.

Your name is called as you walk on stage and shake hands with the principal, before accepting your certificate. Cheers fill the hall but one in particular stands out, Eddie's wide grin and whistles melt your heart as you walk off stage and wait for him.

A few more names are called before it's finally Eddie's turn. Though the cheers aren't as loud or meaningful, he still has a huge smile on his face as he flips the bird to Principal Higgins and the rest of Hawkins High. You laugh and clap as he proves to everyone that he did it.

The principal looks worried and quickly ushers Eddie off stage, as he runs to you and picks you up, spinning around ad you both cling on to your certificates, laughing and feeling proud.

Unknown POV:
My boy has finally done it, I knew he would even after his struggles, he's been through so much and all I ever wanted for him is to enjoy the rest of his life. I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath as I ask one of the teachers if they'd relay a message to my son, it's time to finally say hello.

You and Eddie both are talking when Miss O' Donell comes over and asks if Eddie will step outside. You both give each other a weird look as Eddie grabs your hand, wanting you by his side for whatever he must face.

You both head outside, the warm breeze gently lifts your hair as Eddie suddenly stops, freezing in place as he comes face to face with an older woman you've never seen before.

She has the same eyes and hair as Eddie, slightly flyaway, and Eddie's shuddering breath confirms your suspicions. This is Eddie's mom.

You squeeze Eddie's hand as his mom steps forward, tears in her eyes as her sweet voice says "Hello my sweet Eddie, I'm so proud of you".

Eddie's eyes fill with tears, and you look between to two before wrapping an arm around Eddie's middle, comforting him as he takes it all in.

"Hey mom" Eddie whispers, his voice thick as he winces, as if it causes him pain to say it.

His mom suddenly lets out a sob and rushes forward, enveloping Eddie in a hug, her arms wrap around his tall frame as she presses her head into his chest. Eddie's arms just dangle as he stiffens.

You step back, giving them a moment.

"You abandoned me. Why are you here?" Eddie angrily mumbles, stepping back as his mom lets go.

Her face crumples, but Eddie shakes his head, looking more mad than sad.

"Baby, you know I didn't want to leave you, your dad-" She begins, but Eddie's sharp inhale tells you that she's hit a nerve.

"That monster isn't my dad, he's a shithead who just happened to come-" Eddie shouts, but stops when your horrified face grabs his hand and you shake you head at him.

His mom nods, as if she's heard this before. "I know you're angry, and you have every right to be, but I just wanted to see you graduate so I can know that you're doing okay".

"Well I'm fine, I don't need you" Eddie spits out, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to lead you away.

But you stop, and know you've got to step in, so you duck under Eddie's arm and go back over to where his mom stands.

"Miss Munson, I'm Y/N, Eddie's...Whatever, I just wanted to let you know that your son is an amazing man, he plays guitar and has a band called Corroded Coffin, he loves reading and listening to Metallica, and he likes writing too, bearing in mind it's mostly campaigns for DnD" You ramble, gently grabbing her hands and looking into her eyes.

"Thank you," She whispers to you giving you a watery smile, "Eddie's lucky to have you, I'm glad he's found someone who'll love him as much as I do". She slips you a note with her phone number on secretly.

You blush a little but nod, before turning away as Eddie puts his arm around your waist, walking to his van. You both get in and he lets out a long sigh, pinching his nose.

"She cares about you Eddie, do you really want to lose her again just because you refuse to let the past go?" You say, turning to look at him.

He gives you a small smile and shrugs, so you nod and let him have his moment, knowing that later on he'll change his mind. But that's okay, because you now have her number so he can fix things.

"Let's go celebrate our gradation" Eddie smiles, grabbing your hand and kissing it as he starts the van up.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now