Eddie- Oblivion

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TW: Drug taking

I walk up to the trailer door, my palms sweating as I take a deep breath, nervously knocking on the door to Eddie Munson's home.

Eddie answers the door, dressed in his usual Hellfire Club tee and black ripped jeans, the scent of cigarette smoke wafts out, making me scrunch up my nose.

"Oh, hey" Eddie says slowly, peeking out of the door and around, as if he's searching for others to jump out.

"Hey, I- erm" I stutter, "I heard you have stuff to calm nerves I guess."

Could that have been any more awkward?

Eddie smirks and lets out a small laugh, "Yeah, I've got something, do you want to come in?"

I nod and hesitantly step inside, taking in the mess and empty beer cans.

"Sorry for the mess, let me just go grab it" Eddie mumbles, heading to his room.

I sit down on the edge of a worn sofa, nervously taping my fingers against my legs. Everything has been so stressful lately and I really need something, anything, to calm me down. I know this is bad, but one time and I'll never do it again.

"This should do the trick" Eddie cheers, bringing back a bag of weed and other things to go with it.

"I've never-" I begin, but trail off as I begin to feel too uncomfortable.

Eddie's face softens, "You know, you don't have to turn to this"

I nod, but still reach into my pocket and bring out some notes.

"No it's fine," Eddie waves off the money, "I owe you one for helping me pass that History test."

I give him a small smile as he begins rolling a joint, I watch as his fingers deftly roll the paper up, his rings clink in the silence.

"So you probably have no idea what to do, right?" Eddie says with a non-judgemental smile, once again I nod.

"I mean I've seen people doing it, but it's different actually partaking" I laugh as Eddie passes me the joint.

Eddie comes and sits next to me on the sofa, I sigh as I put the joint between my lips, getting used to the feel of it.

Eddie watches curiously for a moment, his lips part slightly as his mouth tilts into a small smile.

"Now when it's lit, just inhale like your sucking a...lollypop" Eddie laughs.

I narrow my eyes at him before letting out a small laugh, nodding as I understand.

"Want me to light it for you?" He asks, grabbing a lighter from his pocket.

"Please" I mumble around the joint.

He flicks the lighter open and brings the flame close to my face, lighting the end of the joint as we make eye contact the whole time.

I close my mouth and inhale, feeling a slight burn, which makes me cough.

"Yeah, that's definitely hitting alright" Eddie laughs, patting my back soothingly.

I widen my eyes, not believing that I'm actually smoking weed. But it actually feels pretty good, so I inhale a bit more as the joint sizzles.

Eddie just watches, his mouth smirking at me.

I pass him the joint as everything begins to slow down, my mind feels fuzzy and I lean back into the cushions.

I turn my head and watch as Eddie inhales, his cheeks hollow out in a very attractive way as he smokes, letting the smoke out slowly.


"This isn't how I envisioned Friday night to go, this is pure oblivion" I mumble at the moving ceiling.

Eddie leans back next to me.

"Yeah, peaceful bliss" He chuckles, passing the joint back to me as we enjoy each others company.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now