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AN: Just a quick authors note here to say I really hope you're all enjoying this little 'Campaign' story. <3. I'm having a blast writing it!

"I have guns at my house" Nancy tells you all after they've finished staring at you and Eddie.

Eddie's eyebrows shoot up, "You're telling me, Nancy Wheeler has guns, as in plural".

You roll your eyes, "Alright, let's go get them", smiling at Nancy you all make your way through the Upside Down.

You walk with Robin and Nancy as they both talk, you just listen quietly, not really knowing what to say.

"Yeah man, the kid loves you" Eddie talks to Steve as you eavesdrop.

"Really?" Steve asks, humbled.

"Yeah, gotta say I'm a little jealous, I didn't realise you're actually a good dude" Eddie tells him, his voice content.

You smile to yourself as you're glad Eddie's actually talking to someone other than you, he definitely needed it.

"The little shrimp loves you too, you know" Steve tells Eddie, who's gone quiet.

"So what's the deal between you and Wheeler, because she loves you man, she didn't hesitate to jump in after you" Eddie asks Steve.

"It's complicated"

"Hmm" Eddie replies.

"So what's the thing between you and
Y/N? She was the first to come looking for you, headed straight to your place seeing out answers. I see the way you look at each other, now that's true love" Steve asks.

"You don't go easy, do you?" Eddie laughs, "I like her, like really like her, I might even ask her out when this whole alien invasion or whatever shit blows over"

You smile to yourself, glad Eddie feels the same way about you as you do for him. You take a breath and are about to ask him to make things official, but Nancy's house comes up in the distance, and she begins jogging towards it, the rest of you following her lead.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now