Eddie- Truth For A Truth

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You and Eddie have been hanging out a lot; at his trailer, Hellfire Club and even at lunch at school. You're both confused about your feelings though, since you both haven't really dated before.

One evening you're both sitting at the shore of Lovers Lake, the water gently lapping at your feet and you both sit side by side, shoulders almost touching as the moonlight vaguely lights up your faces.

It's warm and peaceful, you and Eddie have learnt to enjoy each others company no matter what you're doing.

"Hey Eddie?" You ask quietly, staring into the dark.

"What's up?" He replies, matching your volume.

"Truth for a truth?" You ask, biting your lip nervously.

"Sure, just don't ask about D&D, I don't wanna spoil the campaign" Eddie jokes, trying to lighten the mood as he nudges your shoulder with his.

You take a breath, the scent of the trees mixed in with Eddie's smell of cigarette smoke and fabric filling your nose. "When I was younger, I once got a potty stuck on my head for an hour".

Eddie laughs and you smile, "Yeah for some reason I'm not overly surprised considering how clumsy you are. Alright I guess it's my turn," he sighs, "When I first read Lord Of The Rings, I loved it so much I cried".

You smile at his honestly, and Eddie nervously laughs and picks at his fingers. "I don't blame you, I've cried over books more times then I can count".

Eddie looks at you, his wide brown eyes staring at your face, roaming over every outline and shape. His eyes dart to your lips before coming back up to meet your gaze.

You hold the eye contact as you admit "I have a crush on a guy..." you whisper.

Eddie must get the wrong idea as he suddenly leans back, laughing and clearing his throat. His face puts up a fake shield, and he tucks his knees closer to his body. "Yeah? Well he'd be lucky to have you" Eddie fake smiles.

Your heart skips a beat at his fake happiness, knowing he'd pretend to be happy just for you.

"Eddie," you say, leaning forward, he turns to look at you.

"This guy I like, he's absolutely amazing and it makes me so sad that he doesn't even know it" you say, voice a little thick with tears.

"No offence but I'm not into the girl talk shit with you" Eddie suddenly replies, voice hardened.

"He can play the guitar better than anyone I know, he's obsessed with this fantasy game and I think it's so cool, and he's secretly a softie who cries over Lord Of The Rings" you finally admit.

Eddie's face slowly turns to look at you, before bursting into a smile, you give him a watery smile and shrug.

"My turn? I've been obsessed with this girl for a while now, she's smart, way smarter than me, and she's a massive nerd, though she won't admit it. And she cries over books all the time, when she told me all I wanted to do is sit with her whilst she reads, holding her and wishing that I could make her favourite stories come true." Eddie mumbles.

The tears you've been holding back finally fall, as Eddie cups your face and finally presses his lips to yours, softly at first as this is new for both of you, but it soon turns hungry and you end up straddling his lap, hands in his hair whilst his arms wrap around you, holding you close.

"You're the Sam to my Frodo Y/N" Eddie smiles into your kiss.

"Psssh, I'm like Gandalf" you smile back, and Eddie nods.

Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington Imagines+ Preferences Where stories live. Discover now